JOURNAL: cole0123 (Cole )

  • What is in a good AMV? My Opinion here ^_^ 2004-10-07 13:42:00 I believe these are some concepts for making AMV's for people to enjoy.

    1. When choosing the song I find it is easiest to first create a theme and then pick a song that will go with the theme. When you do this it is best to have around 40 clips to start off with so that it is easier to pick and choose which ones you want to add in.

    2. When picking a song try to pick one with a fair amount of popularity, as sometimes the overly popular ones may loose the veiwers interests faster because they will eventually become sick of hearing the song.

    3. Try to use all of the different forms of music available to you, use foreign too since it can often be more of a challenge. Also using alternate genders can give the video more meaning, i.e. using a male singer in an MV about a female or vice versa.

    4. Try using different points of view, i.e first, second, and third person views are all your friends. Use the perspectives to your advantage.

    5. When using more than one anime try to use ones that have a similar story outline or scenes that complement each other; i.e. love scenes, fight scenes

    Okay that's all for now.
    I have music videos I have made, I just haven't had the time to put them up yet.

    Total American MVs: 10
    Total Japanese MVs: 2
    Total Previews: 1 
Current server time: Mar 06, 2025 21:51:42