JOURNAL: ShadowOfTwilight (Malcolm Turner)

  • DNI: Development 2004-07-03 20:11:03 Hmm... I dont think I can finish my framework with the little footage I have. Must outsource.......... *plots*

    It seems like every bit of non/semi-technical data I get, I come up with an idea to make it better. That's cool, but it makes me wonder: If its constantly being improved, then how much does it _need_ this improvement... i.e. how bad is it... but oh well! its getting fixed, hahaha

    Wow this song is seriously stuck in my head... i dont think i've ever had one jammed in there that thouroughly(sp). Except for that one time I listened to Sweet Home Alabama for 25 hours straight. Yes, my system was on for 25 hours and yes, it was playing Sweet Home Alabama the whole time: While I was using it, while I was reading, while I was sleeping, while I was eating... I had a superflu, can you blame me? But maybe that song's what made it worse... *ponders* 
  • DNI: The Quality, dude, the QUALITY....! 2004-07-03 11:11:52 Aha! the magical number that I have been searching for is... *drumroll*320KBPS! Or at least, that's what CD quality is, after some careful outsourced research. Hmm. Now what to _do_ with this information is another story... 
  • DNI: Project One 2004-07-03 03:48:20 *StarCraft Machine Shop sound effects*

    I'm exactly halfway done with my first pass of commentary/blocking for my first AMV lyricsheet. I have never made a chart this long (or filled) in word before. That is scary.

    I'm starting to truly realize how much time and effort goes into these works of art... I mean i've spent ~2 hours making the chart, formatting the lyrics to make them easily usable, and sectioning them off by time... then another 2-2.5 hours thinking of the kinds of clips that would go well in certain spots... but i like the work, and i dont know why. It fascinates me, lol.

    hey wait. It took me 2 and a half hrs to do half of the _first_ pass... then i have to go back in and make srue everything flows properly, so thats like proofreading it... and then i have to play the whole thing in my mind, fill in all the last second footage/transitions/possible effects (very few if any), and reproof it... then i have to find the exact clips I want in the anime, capture the clips, figure out how to use the editing software...

    Okay. I need a frappuccino. Like... now. 
  • DNI: Capture and Codecs and Clips, Oh My! 2004-07-02 23:20:12 Still datamining... wow i have a lot to learn. But hey, at least i'm learning it, hahaha... The technical aspect would be almost mind-boggling if it werent for my PS experience, so yay me, lol.

    My idea is slowly developing the more I read, which is very good... i think it might actually come out almost half decent! (*not very high expectations, lol*) Hmm... one thing still puzzles me. These HTs all say "dont d/l music, rip it from a cd", but I havent come across one with an actual number yet. I'm still mining A&E's tech guide to all things audio and video (whoa.) but I have yet to come across a value. Could neone reading this save me some time possibly? I'm looking for an mp3 kbps rating as a quality indicator... i think it'd give me a better hold on the situation, hahaha. BUT! I am NOT going to the forums yet... not until i have mined every bit of data from the howto section, lol.

    Of course, if i havent found it yet, chances are my ideas on qual are entirely wrong... i havent learned a lot about compression/decompression yet.

    *wipes brow, puts on arc welding facemask* ok, back to the mines, lol

    *sparks fly* 
  • DNI (Diary of a Newbie part I): Data Acquisition 2004-07-02 17:20:01 Huh... I have an idea for an AMV that actually works, lol... now just wading into the preparations, per the howtos. I'm still looking for an MP3 at acceptable bit/sec levels though, i dont know how well i can rip my cd.

    hey thats kinda weird. bps and bps... bits and beats per second. never noticed that before. So like can you have a k-beat per second? Whoa that'd be really fast.... but theoretically possible, hahah

    Hmm. Wow. The min sys requirements for Premiere Pro are like twice my current system... LOL! "800mhz will _work_... but id reccomend 3.0ghz HT." Oh, the agony...

    Hey! I wonder if you can use distributed computing over a network with Premiere? That'd be awesome! "ho hum, i need more processing power to render this... ok, i'll just leech speed from my brother's computer, he wont mind..." 
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