ShadowOfTwilight (Malcolm Turner)
Diary of a Newbie: Part I
2004-07-01 23:40:33
Oooooooh my God the HOW-TOS!!! they're so good! There are a good 5 errors I would have made beforehand had I not read them... and i'm barely through the first one! This is great!
One thing I disagree with though... I read somewhere that d/led (downloaded... most people dont use this notation, lol) clips aren't any good. I beg to differ... if one knows where to look, they can get like 350kbps MP3s. It's good to have a solid connection when doing this, but hey, it works.
Based on the HTs, it doesnt look like i'll actually be able to start production for a while, due to a temp. lack in technology, lol.... but we shall see.
Current server time: Jan 01, 2025 06:33:49