JOURNAL: MahouShojoStudios (Dan & Nicki )

  • problem solved....for now 2002-07-10 11:57:53 Well, we finally got a domain name ( and started paying for hosting. This solves how to get the video out to people for now.
    We'll have more solutions soon thanks to friends who are nice enough to host the video (and future videos) from their computers.
    We're working on two videos right now. For one of them, though, we're going to have to learn how to use after effects so it could take a while.

  • Crap! what now? 2002-07-08 12:09:35 Well, the video download was working just fine for a while but, then we moved. We're now living in an apartment (together finally. So more videos should get done). However, our internet connection is routed off of our roommate (we're too cheap to gt our own service) and now no one can connect to our FTPs. Crap :(

    We're trying to figure out how to fix this, but it will probably be a while.

    Also, we are not a one trick pony, we really do have more videos on the way....really!
  • Why does the world hate us? 2002-03-12 21:50:41 I'm sorry to anyone who has been trying to download the video recently. The local broadband ISP has decided that not only can you nolonger run a site off your home computer, but now you can't host an FTP.
    We don't have the money to pay for space and so until we find a good solution to the problem the video will not be available nor will upcoming videos.
  • Taking it quite well 2002-02-24 21:20:50 Well, we went to Megacon. The video did get shown! Yay!
    We didn't win anything though. :( I am marginally bitter, but that's my nature. Still, both Dan and I are much more satisfied with our loss than we have been in the past with our individual efforts.
    Maybe we'll have better luck with our next video at Otakon.

  • Oh, the pressure!! 2002-02-21 12:29:02 Well, It's 2 days until the Megacon AMV contest and the official premiere of the first Mahou Shojo Studios video.
    I am sooooo nervous! There are 46 entries in the competition and, due to time constraints, they will only be showing 20! I have talked myself down from being concerned about winning, that doesn't really matter...we know it's a good video. But man, what if it doesn't even warrant being shown! Geez.....I hope I don't cry in front of all those people! -_-'

    On a different note, I reeaaally need a higher paying job! 60 bucks a week just isn't cutting it. Stupid school schedule keeping me from getting a better job! Next evening classes!
    Hey, anybody wanna commision some artwork? Need affordable web design? Anything!

Current server time: Jan 13, 2025 06:33:34