JOURNAL: mystic_bluekitty (Allie L)

  • My first entry... wow. 2002-03-14 15:00:57 I thought at one point, with all the march break, I would be able to actually work on something.. do something productive, that wasn't school-related. I thought I would be able to work on my music videos. I have ideas for 4 different ones, but I'm having severe problems.

    1) I need a good, FREE movie maker that will accept MPEG and AVI, and possibly RM or MOV. I'm dying to have Adobe Premiere, but unfortunately my wallet doesn't dig that far down so I have a little bit of trouble there. Currently I'm using Windows Media Maker or whatever, and to be frank, it sucks. I appreciate the way the organization of clips is set up, but the quality of the final product is sickening and the transitions are just... non-existant. A movie maker such as this will be fine for my "Hello Merle" video but for the more serious ones I'm going to need a more serious movie maker.
    2) Free servers (yes free, I'm not going to dole out money for something on the internet) with much space are so hard to find. I've searched and searched (I've actually set up a little folder for it) and I've come up with nothing. Sure, there are many sites with over 50 megs of free space (my own server offers 100) but the problem is the uploading. Most of the servers that looked elligible to fit my needs only allowed 1.1 mb of files to uploaded at a time. Woe is me! >_<

    ....I think that's all the problems. Other than that, I'm a terrible procrastinator. If you've ever been to my site, you'll know what I mean.

    Well, that's all for now. Excuse me while I go finish writing.
Current server time: Dec 27, 2024 20:59:28