Obligations are for noobs!!
2006-06-13 05:52:53
Uhh..Yeah..Lets just say through a long line of impossibly sucky situations..I'm pretty much putting those two AMV's on hold..Yeah...Sooo..LAter! Because I've got an AMV to watch, and then a bed to pass out on.
Last of my obligations
2006-03-01 17:11:39
Well, I'm done with the VCA's. I did my last voting today, And , Won't be changing my votes. It turns out I voted for every catagory unlike what i said I was going to do. Congrats to those that made it to the finals, It's quite A trip to make it that far. My videos weren't even lucky enough to make it to semi's, But, Next years VCA's, I have plans that my video will be on that finals list, Just you watch!!
A disruption of the force
2006-02-21 01:59:17
Okay, Sooo..If things go right, Move the video to 2007 if i'm lucky. This is A pretty big thing, Which is A job. I've been really Psyched up about this, And i sent in my app. To A place that's pretty short on hands. Hopefully they are REALLY Desparate for workers and give me A call up.
Wish me luck, You nice people!!
(Note: Shaving with a leg Razor is alot harder then it sounds. Espcially when you shave your face with it.)
Misery loves company, And apprently getting beat to A bloody pulp..
2006-02-08 15:10:49
Okay, So, I've had A few set backs in the few days (Interlacing, Failing to remove interlacing, Geting distracted with posting here too much, Geting Distracted with music, Not having music and watching movies that are playing in the backround, DVD drives being major butt-heads, Needing new hard drives, Games, Skies of Arcadia, And many other things) But not everything is going so horrible..Well..Maybe it is.. But who cares? this AMV will be made even if i have to destory everyones so--!!! Errr..Unrelated matter..Sorry, Geting cought up in the moment. But it will be done by the dead-line, Even if the VCA's get in my way..
2006-02-07 15:47:15
Okay! Pre processing will be done by tonight, It'll be all down hill from here, I've got alot of clips planed out, And even though people might've read my idea and stole it, It'll be A great video, My footage looks amazing, All the clips I have planed out should work..Oh well, Time will tell!!
Current server time: Jan 11, 2025 23:22:14