JOURNAL: Zero~_Enna

  • Mistake in last entry 2005-05-31 17:48:12 There was a mistake in last entry about the PSO part, I hang out in cornos(?),And name there is Sky

    On another note, 17 days!

    "Well i dont mean to piss you off with things i might say, So when i try to shut my mouth, They come out anyway.So when i speak my mind, Thats when we connect, Yeah, but thats not, Politically corret"SR-71 - Politically correct 
  • Bad..Bad..Head..Itch!!. 2005-05-30 19:09:56 Well..The title is in response to my shower being down..Haven't had one in..Err..Long time..x.x..

    Anyway, Been playing the Beta of PSO Blue Burst( ), If you are into that thing, And feel like cusing me out, While being able to do other stuff, I hang out in Hyperion and would be glad to know that someone feels compelled enough to bother me..^^

    Also, Err..>.>..Something..Trying..To remember..Right, There was no response to my last plea, So Music vid's not getting done..That, And i've got a job from a family member to get thier computer fixed so..I'm gonna be doing that..Err..When hell frezzes over..Damn, I suck at making excuses..

    Ah! On another side note, I'm 14 in..18 days!, June 17th..I'm psyched about this because i'm getting money..I can buy things with money..Inculding my PSO fee, CD's, Anime, What ever the hell i can aford...^^;;

    Well, That's it for now, I'm gonna be putting random song quotes , So..Err..

    "Cause all i've ever wanted is a place to call my home, To shelter me and miss me when i'm gone"Shinedown - All I ever wanted 
  • Loading..Loading..Error occrued, Please destory brain now.Thank you. 2005-05-24 08:06:45 That title has NO meaning at all, Just wanted to put it.Anyway, Nothing is really happening with me..Found a stash of CDs..My hard drive is fillin' up pretty damn quick..Been listening to some new stuff from some bands, 30 seconds to mars' Attack(Fscking great song), Life of agony's Love to let you down, And a few others..Currently i'm wonder what the hell i feel like, My story is keeping me ocupied, But at the same time, It's pissing me off to no end because it looks like shit..x.x..Oh well, Wha'cha gonna do..?..Oh!I'm also enjoyin Devil May Cry 3, I'm one stage 7, And having trouble showing Vergil who the bitch is..So far, He's proved it's me..I got him to half health then he whooped me again..I'm using Curburus' nunchuks, And I'm Trying diffrent styles, So far Gun slinger has proved useful, But, meh..Sure i'll beat it soon..Well, That's all for now, Gotta work on my story..

    On a sidenote..The AMV isn't getting worked on..I really should use better quailty clips for my current, But, Meh..>.> 
  • Do the little happy dance! 2005-05-23 09:52:21 Well, Nail isn't an excuse anymore, It's dead and gone, I found out how to destory it by shear stupidtiy! This is good because once i get my editing program, Then i can continue work on my AMV! 
  • Damnit..They need an Edit button..>.> 2005-05-20 00:10:33 Looks like the AMV is going to be..Set back..Alot, I don't have an editing program..Ditched adobe because i didn't..What's the word..feel like..Updating.So now i need a new one..Because, Unupdated adobe is no good to me, Because it can't handel new formats..So if you have any suggestions for what i should use, Drop me a line at, Don't suggest that POS windows moive maker..One..I won't be able to watch it, I refuse to update the codecs(Which involve install it) for WMP(Windows Media player, Incase you didn't know)...An two..I hate it..-___-

    PS:Free only please..I'm a really cheap bastard..>.>

    Also..Errm..Right!Another reason i can't do it is because of a virus..That god damned nail! It's stealing my computers resources and it's pissing me off you no end..Oh well..Hopefully i can kill it soon..In my mean time, I'm learning to program..!!..^^;;

    Edit:If you want to contact me by other means, is for my MSN, ZeroYuy45 is my AIM, And..Err..What was my yahoo..?..Oh, Right!, ZeroEnna45..Feel free to contact me on any of those if you have any type of free Video editing program i could use..Just a little note, It has to be on a site, I don't acept downloads over any of them.Inless i know you of course.And i don't want"G3t Warz35!!11!!"..If you do that, Then i will warn you to hell, And block you for ever more..-__- 
Current server time: Jan 15, 2025 00:41:56