JOURNAL: Zero~_Enna

  • Boring life again 2005-04-28 01:50:50 Back to normal for me..Boring..Moping..Self..>.>..Yeah, So I've been ignoring the video..Again..Like the last repetive 20 million times it poped up in the back of my head, I've wasted my time on kinghts online, Which i'm still doing by the way, And of course watching amv's..Here..Where the hell else would i watch them..The RIAA would slam you just for having Kazaa or any other file sharing program..x.x 
  • On a sader note 2005-04-24 13:01:46 Well, On a sader note, Today marks it being one year since my grand father died..It's really hard to believe how fast time has moved along..I barely even remember One fourth of the last year..I swore to myself that because of how the time felt, It felt like he died alot sooner..Oh well, Doubt most people here care about my woes..Or maybe that do..Which..Is abit creppy..>.> 
  • Haha!! 2005-04-24 12:59:05 Recived my first opinion today!!..Really makes me want to get off my lazy ass and work on my next one..But..i keep getting distracted..>.>...What with me going for my A+ Cert...And trying to clean this virus off, Along with trying to finish a story i'm writing, Which, By the way, Is starting to suck because i can't get any ideas..>.>..well..I'll porbably start working on it soon..Never though i'd ever be one of those people with a life..Go figure..Also, I like playing knights online, If you have it, My name is RougeZero..^^;; 
  • Not as much as i should've 2005-04-12 22:50:54 Well...I must confess to the AMV gods..I have sinned..I haven't been watching the daily amount of whole some AMV's that i should have..I feel..Dirty..To tell the truth..I've been working on a site and story..But..Not my amv..Yeah..That makes alot of sence..I'm pretty sure i'm gonna be smited by the real gods, And the AMV gods in a few seconds..Nice being alive..^^ 
  • Abbdonded 2005-03-15 22:52:19 Well..After i got my project file killed by a mistake..I decied to create a new music video..After watching it abit, I decied my next would be to full metal alchemist..Hopefully this goes better then my other..Stupid moron i am..I shoulda backed up the project file..x.x 
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