Crazy crazy world
2005-12-10 04:32:48
Well, I guess it's time for me to post again, Hell if I know what to say but...Why not suggest and awsome band?
They've been rarely heard of since recently, Thier name is Thosuand Foot Krutch. They've got three albums. Set it off, Thier first, Is more of A...Rap album. Can't recommend us. Call me A player hatr' if you will. Second album rocks so hard, You'll Sponuntainously combust just thinking about it. It's Called "Phenomenon". I can't get enough of the Album-titled track of that CD. It's probably the most play song for me so far. The third i mentioned before. The Art Of Breaking. This one is abit iffy if you ask me. Don't get me wrong, It's an amazing album. Just, Dosen't hook me as hard as Phenomenon did. I still can suggest it easily though.
Also, Do you have cartoon network? Do you have Adult Swim. They the only thing I can suggest for you to do is watch "The Boondocks" A very Racial, But funny show. If you are skrimish around that type of stuff..I don't suggest it..Anyway, That's all for now.
"If you're like us, calling all riders
Roll up beside us, no place to hide us
All freedom fighters, let's unite us
Switch on your nitrous and… let's… go...
Destination for navigation
Man up ya stations, feel the sensation
Surround invasion with communication
Move quick, we might avoid contamination
Down, here comes the sound
Everyone pound your feet to this Phenomenon
Now, let's make it loud
Let's show ’em all how you move to this Phenomenon
Roll, open your soul
Maybe lose control inside of this Phenomenon
Just let yourself go
And let everyone know you move to this Phenomenon"Phenomenon - Thosuand Foot Krutch
Hear about it?
2005-11-27 19:49:48
So, That new thing about all the Evanesence videos getting wiped? Yeah..Not sure my views on it..For us AMV creators, It makes hard for Creativity to be used with our most favorite artists if they don't allow us. It's really annoying if you ask me to see this..Next thing I know i'll be getting sued for the song quotes...Err..Spoke to soon..Uhh..Yeah, I better go..They really are mad..Umm..Yeah..
((By the way, I'm kidding))
Grrr...Stupid laws
2005-11-14 19:51:15
First off, Do you know how hard it is for A minor to get A job? I've been looking for the past six hours constantly. If you don't think this retains to AMVs, Lemme clue you in:
1.) Zero gets A job
2.)Zero gets paid
3.)Zero buys nice anime on DVD
4.)Zero makes AMV
I used to do it with clips from other AMV's, Seeing as there was no hope of jobs coming to me back then. But now, I can get A job. The only place WILLING to accept me is A library in Maryland....About 50 miles away from me. Soooo..This obviously poses A problem. Tomorrow, Me and my dad will go out job hunting.
Now, On to other things. More happy things. Blindside. Awesome band. They finally came out with A new CD, The great Depression. Speaking of music, Scott Stap..What the hell is going on in his head? First, He disbanded Creed, For whatever reasons. That was fine, He has his own motives. But then he turns around and forms A "Solo" band, Where all he does is sing, And other guys do the acutall music part. Creed Rocked, Wether or not they were A christan band or not, They could rock with the best of 'em. Now he goes and comforms to the assholish artists we call "Pop Artists". Assholish probably isn't A real word but..It is in my head, Damnit!!.
Anyway, I can here to complain. My Itunes wish list is now at.. 51 songs, Six Albums. My library is at..1,355 songs, 3.5 days.
Why not we do this?:
All this time we've been mislead..
Does anyone care at all!?
Sometimes I fall asleep, And then I lose control
I try to find my way out without letting go
And when I lose my mind, If it comes back this time
If I don't turn out perfect, Will you be A friend of mine?" Slow Bleed - Thousand Foot Krutch
2005-11-11 00:59:19
It's Been A while. I'm not Dead, And this will be quick. 8 minutes till FMA then bed. First off, I went punkin' chunkin' not too long ago. I had an Intersting day, But the Catapults were the best part. Though, The Highlight of the day was the humans that got away. Standing near A cataplut, I'm onlooking the biggest one there, The Yankee Seige. This massive 20ton Cataplut was Amazing. It looked like it needed it's own Crew of Semi's to move it. Then i hear my cusions and brother talking about one that's about to fire. I look over the see the numb nuts maning the thing pressed the button...While the cataplut faced the crowd. Landing right at my feet, It almost took out two woman(Whom, Might I add, Tryed to catch it while in mid air.) And A child. Me, Being who I am, just had to grab A peice of the pumkin that nearly killed two people, It was Way to big of A momento. I had it in my fridge till about..Two hours ago, Then I noticed it was rotting and throw it out. Annnyway..3 minutes left so I'll explain later, Soongy quote Along with A link for star Wars fans, One of my favorite fan creations: - Star Warz Gansta rap(Take A look before you judge, I love it to death but hate all types of rap, Except Rock/Rap)
This word you'll never know!!
Hero!! Hero!!
This word you'll never know!!" Story of the year - ..And the hero will drown
Cheap Excuses are fun
2005-10-29 04:21:49
Can't find the right clips so it's still haluted.
Anyway, I picked up SC3(Soul Calibur 3) Tonight, And I gotta say, It's REALLY freaky compared to the others, But it's still fun. Everything is all fine and the same untill you get to the selection screen, You have three options "Singel Player" "Vs." "Shop"..Err..Four..And "Options". When you enter single player you have A various amount of choices, The story mode being..Err..Something About A soul or somewhat..
After you enter here, It's where the fun begins. For fans that haven't bothered to follow this (Dirtty Stinkin' posers!!!) You know can create A custom Fighter. This allows you to change how your fighter looks. Make sure you like it, Your stuck with it for the rest of the game..Or..untill you refit him/her. After that, You get abit of RTS mixed in, With most Senarios being capture the bases before you get pwnd. i'm only to Chapter 5 so give me A break, The game is good, The grapichs are beatiful for A PS2 game, And everthing is pretty much the same other then those. The fighters have changed looks abit (Talims not As cute anymore..--Cires Silently in A cornor--, Kilik looks abit...Err..TOO macho..Asthroth is abit....."curved"...., If you catch my drift --Waits for impending hate mail from people he dosen't even know). Anyway, Good game, If your A fan of the series, Rent it just to make sure you like the new way things are. Otherwise...Rent it! It's A good game, But some people might not like it as much as I do, Seeing as where the series was before, And is now. SC is still one of the best fighters i've ever played.
No qoute because my house is really Fraging creepy right now..
Current server time: Jan 12, 2025 08:43:41