Jack- The returning
2005-08-16 00:18:27
Soo..Last time I had A Really bad day, My dog had died and i was sleep deprived. This time, It's because I feel the need to be part of the more intelligent up-rise. That, And i aggree with most other people that Jack Thompson is becoming mentaly unstable.
Why you might ask..?
He's insane, Look at this for godsake and tell me with A blank face he is still sane:
I mean, Come on people!! Do you REALLY want A man like that roaming the streets at night? Or, God forbid, Representing YOU?
Who do I stand with?
I stand with to opions of the following sites:
You get the point, I stand with anyone that seems to show A amount of brain matter laying in thier heads
Why should you care?
Because this is improtant, If they ban video games for violence, That, It shouldn't even be banned at all( If not at all, Then not for the reason they are giving). I've played GTA for years!(i'm 14). I've yet to even point something other then a harmless paint ball gun at another person who was PLAYING. Even then I mostly cowered behind the bunker. What pisses me off most about this? He says he's doing it for THEM...Oh yeah..Sure that fat little LAYWER fee isn't there..He just accepted it because they were too kind..Yeah..Jack-ass..Hey..That's good..I like that..Jack-ass...If you side with Jack-ass..My question..Why? Why would you side with someone that proves naught of his claims, Someone that is compeletly oblivious to sentific facts that there have never been any killings DIRECTLY linked to video games, That there is no EVIDENCE that these things have to do with violent video games, That our men and women in the forces, God bless them for fighting for those who can't, Use shooter sims to train, And that some of the best surgens in the WORLD play video games in general, Where it be Mario or GTA. Don't believe me on the surgen part? Go to your local library or book store and look for a fairly recent issue of Discover. I believe it was either July Or June, Maybe even May. I'll have to see next time I go to the library, Point still lays as is, I'm joining them, Not jack. Does anyone really have A reason to side with him? Well..Other then the parents that IGNORE the fact it's most likely thier fault for not correcting thier children..
Oh well, Anyway, I need to get a song quote don't I..?..Anyway, Before i do so, How about A jacko quote: "[God] Chose [Me] To be a savior of Widows and children"...Whata jack-ass..
"All my life i've been searching for something
Something never comes, Never leads to nothing
Nothing satisfiys but i'm getting close
Closer to the prize at the end of the rope
All night long, I dream of the day
When i comes around and it's taken away
Leaves me with the feeling that i feel the most
Feel it come alive when i see your ghost"FooFighters - All my life
Very bad day, Reliving anger
2005-08-10 06:15:08
VERY bad day yesterday..Won't do into reason, But time to take my pissed off anger out of someone..Ooo!!..I know, Gamers of my own kind's most feared enemy, And most hated jackass, Jack thompson
Yeah, Like half the population of the world, I hate him with a deep deep pasion..Incase you are asking yourself "Who's he?". As, The amazingly cool creator of CAD( ), Cited is this:
" I'm sure most of you are familiar with Jack Thompson. You know, that power tripping lawyer from Miami who thinks video games are the devil, and solely responsible for human stupidity? The guy that blames video game developers when their customers create mods/hacks that add sexual/violent content to a video game. Because obviously it's the developer's fault that people are modifying their game."(The entier thing is here: )
Okay, Getting abit ahead of myself, To show how much you should hate thompson, Check this out, Which, If you don't read VGcats already..Do it now dammit!
I defend Scott all the way with this case, I could aggree more, On all cases. To all you parents out there who aggree with jack..Damn! Look at yourself! How many hours have you sat and explained killing=bad..? I bet not many! You are blaming something that dosen't need to be blamed. You are trying to take fun away from those whos parents BOTHERED to teach thier children right! Teach them it's Fiction, not real, And that if he/she has a problem with another kid, They don't need to:
A. Find A gat and pop them one in the ass
B. Grab a lead pipe and smash it upside thier head
C. Get a chainsaw and end up killing themself
If your child shows signs of instanity, For gods sake, See a freaking Pyschologist. Your the only one to blame for not paying attention, And don't dare shift this blame around saying "We tried". Bullshit, If you tried, Then you obviously didn't do it right, Or didn't try hard enough
Don't get me wrong, Let your child enjoy such games, I'm not saying don't. Just, For gods, And our, Sakes. Teach them right!
Oh, And Jack?...Give it a goddamned rest, Go after the REAL person you should be going after
Anyway, Giving out my email then making this post was a BAD idea but i just had to vent some steam..Anyway, My lovely lovely song quote
"Back up, You don't know
If you've never been here, You've never been
To the places that i faced my fear
It takes everything I am
And show me what you do when you step into the circle
And shake like we do
And move!
When you just can't take it
And move if you just feel like breaking it"Move - Thousand foot kurtch(I'm REALLY starting to like these guys)
Hmmm...I'll find something..
2005-08-07 08:28:59
Sooo...What's up..?...How the kids..?...That's good..That's good..
(Note:The following contains suggestive words, Such as:
Crotch..Err..I mean, Kurtch
My email address
Purple Monkey
Trip, And maybe acid somewhere near it
And probably a coupple other things convered by the First Amendment
Children beware of these harmless words, Becuase school has probably thought you 3/4ths of them, Thanks!)
Yeah..I got nothing, Soooo, I guess i'll just blabber on about the songs on my itunes wishlist that have a posibillty of becoming the next song to an AMV:
First up to bat:
Bullet-proo skin by Institue
This is a project of the front-man of Bush, So..Common..It's a great song though, I always liked bush so it could just be me, When i finally get it, And an editing program, i'll have to find an anime that syncs to it (, Still looking for a FREE, Easy to use(Cus, I'm not too smart in the lower re--..I mean, Higher regeions) editing program)
Evrerything Burns By Ben Moody Featuring Anastacia
This song somehow got me the first second i listend to it, Awsome song, But, Not too great chances of getting a video, Can't think of a good anime for it
Fiction(Dreams In Digital) By Orgy
Mainly i like the tone, But, It's talks about computers and things..I..Think..I like the lyrics and tone, Chances are no AMV from me for this, Can't think of an anime
Always By Dope
Yeah..I can see this one, Probably gonna be higher up there on my list.
Stricken By Disturbed
N..No..Great song but could NEVER think of A decent video idea for this
Absolute By Thousand foot kurtch
AWSOME song, But, sadly it'd be hard to make a video too, Sorry.
Walking dead By Chester Bennington(Aprove of, HIGHLY) Featuring Ztrip(Don't aprove of, HIGHLY)
I know that isn't the order it should be but, Chester sings SO much more then them, Which is good, It's greeat!..And now the law suits poor in..Anyway, Nope, No idea's for this awsome song
Drowning By Crazy Town
Hmm...Nah, Not at all..Great song though..^^;(There you are! You bastard, You've been hiding all day!)
Drown By Opiate for the masses
Hmmm...Pretty slim chance..Good song though..
Now Or Never by (Once again people) Dope
Slim chances, Great song though
Well, That's about it, This time though, Their will be two quotes, Song, And one from inventory of the most used item today, Albert Einstien
"We Want! The truth!
Give us, The Absolute!
We Need! Your help!
Cus we've got nothing!
We want The truth, Give us the Absolute!
We need Your hand, Cus we've got nothing left to lose!
I know, We've tried This thing a million times"
Thousand Foot Krutch- Absolute
"Edcucation is what Remains after one has forgotten what one has learned is school"Albert Einstien
Being back on track
2005-08-05 01:34:17
Back on track, I've got alot to talk about, Unlike before. Readdiction..Not talking about Becoming readdicted to beer, Or Smoking, Or crack..Noo...This is something much more worse, I became readdicted to Gaia Online. ( After losing the password to my old account because of a hacking threat, I left soon after. And did PSOBB, But recently, I checked back to find i had afew invites to guilds, Naturally, I checked it out, One was from a person i met off hand awhile ago, And another I didn't check, I just went there and saw what it was. An RP guild, My type of place for what i was concerend, So, I got back to the mail and find out surprisingly, It's from A very very good firend, Which basicly sealed me joining, But, I feel my skills have slipped ALOT in the time i've been off from RPing..Regardless, I'm rebuilding, Better, Faster, Stronger...err....Bigger..?..I don't..Really know where I'm going.
Another thing, I've been playing Star ocean: Till the end of time alot..At first, The game sucks harder then A black hole compresses...But once you get past the begining, it get's oddly additcing, And that is only follow by more addiction, But regardless, I'm almost to disc two, But I can't find the bastard Marquiss(Not a spoiler inless you REALLY look into it, Which, Then you'll be finding it somewhere else).
Well, Anyway, Even complaining, I feel the song qoute is the reason i get any hits at all, So, A few more today. If you haven't heard any of these bands, And have liked past qouted ones, Definetly give these A listen:
"So whacha' gonna do now, But you got untill sun down
Don't look to well, Don't look too bright
Got it all but wanna fight"Kobarkai - Lostprophets(Not a typo)
"I suggest we, Learn to love ourselfs before it's made illegal
When will we learn(When will we learn)
When will we change(When will we change)
Just in time to see it all fall down
Those left standing will make millions writing books on the way it should have been
She woke in the morning, She knew that her life had passed her by
And she called out a warning(Warning), 'Don't ever let life pass you by'"
Warning - Incubus
"Well not everbody knows that everybody goes to A better place
And not everbody knows that everybody could be living thier last days
But the hard times will come, And we'll keep movin' on, Movin' on"
Movin' On - Good charlotte
2005-08-03 23:12:47
Been REALLY busy recently...And last night..Last night was the most fun i've ever had..And by fun, I mean hell, Hell with a hell topping of Hell..
You know how there is a sterotype of "Geeks", Where they will deprive themselfs of all resourses needed for life, Such as sleep, Food, Water, And ocasinaly air..?..Sad to say that was me last night..Recently enough, i got rid of Mcafee(Don't get rid of this if you are sane, Insane people have nothing much to lose from the incuring hell), Turns out it felt the need to take something with it...It decied to take my network driver, And rip it to peices, ALong with the uninstall program for my adapter, This is A message i saw a GREAT GREAT Deal:
"The operation could not be compeleted for this reason:
Could not renew IP Adress
Please contact your network adminstator or ISP"
Yeah..My respone was.."%)*&@$#*^, #@(*^%$ mcafee you @!$5 !%$#&$%!!!!"(Edited for little kiddies), So, This happend for a day, Because i can't live without the internet..So, I tried sevreal times to "Conivnce It"(Invovled slegd hammers and crow bars, Magnets were dragged in after an hour)..So, I finally gave into the generic answer for problems like this, which, I had never done for the 5 years i've had this(Mainly because other people use it)..FORMAT C:...Yeah..Well, Turns out my brother, Who needed to back up his stuff, Worked over time, And didn't get around to it till 'bout 4:30AM.
Here's a time line:
4:45:Back up done, Check everything to make sure it's good(Antistatic wrist band pulled every hair on my wrist), And unplug back up hard drive (Mood:Tired, Ready to go to bed, But willing)
5:15:Format done with windows install CD, boot to find message Of system file missing(Mood: Slightly mad, Tired, But, Still the soul is willing)
5:40: Brother comes out, Says i should try CMD format, I do so...(Mood:Pi$$ed, Amazingly pi$$ed, but still willing)
6:20:Format finishes, I boot it to get the error again, So i use windows CD
slow format(Mood:Ready to grab a pick axe, And go to burger king)
6:55:FINALLY, God damn Fscking finally, It works right, I enter the info..Well..Turns out when you are typing a windows product key, DON'T LOOK AT IT BACKWARDS!! W's will be M's And visa versa!(Mood:fscking pissed out of my mind, Too tired to even spell right, And I might be stoned, But still willing)
7:45:Finally get done with the stupid thing, Another error, "Files missing" And windows refuses to boot, I say fscking Fsck it, And go to bed(Mood: What the hell do i care?, I'm sleeping!)
Though, This is a sign that the gods figured it wasn't funny anymore, And i got it too boot, And got to remove my little message to the family
"Out of order untill futher notice"
Well, That's all, I'll do afew song quotes to make up for lost time:
"Hold them down, Our bleeding suspects
(Just because, Just cause, Just Screw on you)
My candelight, Burn burn burn, baby
(Burn burn, Who's turn? Who get's to taste today?)"Jimmy Eat World - Nothingwrong(Not a typo)
"Another Turning point, A fork stuck in the road
Time grabs you by the wrist, Directs you where to go
So, Make the best of this task and don't as why
It's not a question but a lesson learned in time
Something unperdictable, But in the end it's right
I hope you had the time of your life"Green Day - Good Ridence(Time of your life)
And...A Linkin(This is the correct spelling, Not anything else to those who are imcopetent to LOOK AT THE CD) park one
By the way, This song sounded AMAZING at the Live 8 concert:
"Memories consume, Like opeing the wounds
I'm picking me apart again
You all asume, I'm safer in my room, Inless i try to start again
I don't want to be the one, The battels always Chosed
'cus inside i realize that i'm the one confused
I don't know whats worth fighting for, Or why i have to scream
I don't know why i Instagate, And say what i don't mean
I don't know how i got this way, I know it's not alright
So i'm breaking the habbit, I'm breaking the habbit, Tonight"Linkin part - Breaking the habbit
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