Something to talk about finally
2005-07-20 09:11:47
Eck..Well..Looks like the AMV i have planed is TBA..When hell frezzes over..Few events cause me to get set back, Then, A recent event cause the entier thing to go down the toliet with all the rest of it..Well..I bet you hate hearing my little quibbels so.
New seether CD, Karma and Effect. Three songs through(Because of Me, Remedy, Truth), And it's pretty good so far(13, Not inculding the hidden track which shows in play view on iTunes), Remedy was the reason i got the CD, Though, I was considering getting Audioslaves Out of exile, But, I chose Karma and Effect over it. This CD has the prettiest book i've EVER seen, Not to mention kick ass art work. This is the first time i've ever rated a CD but..In my thoughts, This is what karma and effect get's from what i've heard so far
First look:7, It looks pretty good with the wraping still on
On the inside:9, Mainly the booklet..Amazing, Amazing booklet
Songs:8, Sound pretty good, If you like remedy, Give the CD a listen, Also, In my thoughts, Afew of the songs sound like Dave willam's Drowning pool songs(I say Dave cus, I don't like Jason)
Overall:8-9, Pretty good CD, If you turn out not to like it, You got a REALLY nice booklet to put on display
Okie, Well, Let's chose a song over then remedy to put here...
"Here she comes again, And she's feeling like she's already won
I believe it's gonna end again, All for naught.
My pliosphy is things are just as wrong as they seem
I believe it's gonna end this way, Atroctiy
Do you believe in love, Like i believe in Pain
Nobody died for you, Somebody pray for me!"Because of you - Seether
2005-07-17 09:12:48
Okie, Got a few little complaints here..Like how the maryland library system is a compelet chain of morons.
Well, This isn't compeletly true, There are some awsome people in the higher up areas..Too bad everyone about them is probably asses..And yeah, They probably are Donkeys..Anyway, Yesterday at the library I volenteer at, They had thier turtel race, Roughly 50-60 turtels, Maybe 70.Regardless, That passed with a hellish heat in the middel. Found out some things wanted to know, Cussed out one of the lists I had to do. Then, I decied it might be time to make some suggestions to the librarys higher ups..Here is the computers they use, OS, And , Broswer
Dell Optiplex (Some number, Forget)
Windows 2000
Netscape..I don't need to say much more.
They also use Sirsi for thier library system..Probably the worst choice anyone in the world can make..I was searching rock 1991-2001 in the search box, And i turned up this as the first three
Some odd name - Some odd album- 2004
Some odd name - Some odd Album- 2005
Crash test Dummies - Forgot the name - 3060
Dude!, I've so gotta tell my dad, He loves crash test dummies!, I can't believe they've come back from the future to release thier album!..Yeah..I want whatever Sirsi is doing..That's not even the begining of it, I was having a conversation with a guy that works there, I know him, He's cool and we are sitting thier talking, And i'm about to reveal the well known secrect about the world, No one cares about your problems
"I want to know something, How do i send 'Input' To your higher ups"
Finds out how, Shows me a link
"Yeah..They really care about your input
*In thier heads* Thank you for your sugesttion*End thought*
*Out side thier heads, In the email box*D"
I laughed and went
"Yes, Thank you for your sugesstion, For being so kind and having input, We will ignore you, And send you the letter: P"
Yeah..Sirsi gives shit about your Resoanble input, They only feel they are right, And you are stupid..Like I said, Thier are some good ones, But, Regardless....Song qoute before the library ninja's Attack me...Damnit!, Too late!, Better make it quick before that throwing star--chink--
"Frail, The sking is dry and pale
The pain will never fail, And so we go back to the remedy
Cilp, The wings that get you high
Just leave them where they lie, And tell yourslef
'You'll be the death of me'"
Lied, No complaining
2005-07-11 07:00:44
Well, Not gonna complain today, Not feeling well...Been having a VERY bad week with sleeping habbits, Wonder if mine is the worst?
Firday, Saturday: Been up since six AM with little sleep. Go to bed at about 10pm, Wake up at 3am Saturday, And then go to bed at about 5pm staurday
Sunday: Wake up at about 2, 3am, Attempt to get sleeping habbits good, Like saturday, But fail and fall asleep at about 3pm
Today:Screwed, Woke up at 12am, Back where i godamned was..6:57 now..>.>
Yeah..Let see how long i last before passing out today..Maybe i'll feel better once i get Sleep at REAL sleeping times..
2005-07-10 06:30:03
Not complaints here, Not really much that i need to complain about, though, If some how, Complaints and bashing draw people in, I'm sure i could find something that would make a small population of the world love me, And the rest tracking my IP to kill me..Meh..I'll have complaints tomorrow..But for now, Song quote, Cus, I'm too lazy to type..^^;
Well, This time, I'm gonna do something Abit diffrent, And artist i don't think i've ever used..I'll use a favorite of mine of his..^^;
"Got an AK-47, Well you know it makes me feel alright
Got an Uzi by my pillow, Helps me sleep alittle better at night
There's feelling any greater, Then to shoot first and ask questions later
Well, You can take my guns away, Got a Constisusnal(Sp) right
Yeah, I gotta be ready if the kamies attack us tonight.
I'll blow thier brains out with my Smith and wesson
They outta teach them all A darned good lesson"Weird Al Yankovic - Tigger happy
Meh..Not feeling well
2005-07-09 05:55:48
Well..Not too long after my last entry, I feel asleep, Had A odd dream and woke up..x.x Got about..3 hours of sleep..Wish i woulda gotten more..Woke up at about..1 AM, Went to bed at around 10 PM..Erk, I Hate my brain..Everything else is prefectly normal but it..Oh well, Just gotta live with my brain that never rests..
Guess what today was?, Jackass day!! So many jack asses today, So little time..Oh, And, If your one of those people who come into a library at about..Oh..4:30PM? when the library closes At 5 PM..You roaly SUCK..I can't leave the library till my mom does, And she can't leave till everyone leaves, And if YOU are still in the library, We can't close, Then, Most of you complain becuase we close! So if you are one of those people, Kiss my Freakin' Ass!, If you think library work is so easy, Try it out for a few days, With about..Oh..?..2 hours of goddamned sleep!?! Lets see how much respect you have for librarians after that! Probably a WHOLE damn lot. Just so you know, The good librarians are the ones that smile even after you've complained, But really, In thier heads, They are thinking of how they are going to take your ass down. So, Just remember, Librarians are Sane, Calm people, So you should be too. If you have a fine, Accept it, And don't get pissy with the library, Becuase most likely, It's YOUR fault that you have that, Becuase you had to keep your DVD and extra few days!
Okay..That was abit of a vent...Sorry if I offended anyone, But, I just needed to get that out there in the open..Now, That last part brings up another vent too...DVD's, And librarys..Hmm..Let's see..DVD:
"A high-density compact disk for storing large amounts of data, especially high-resolution audio-visual material."
Library(Other discritions:
A commercial establishment that lends books for a fee
Hmm..Well..Lets see..Books?
A set of written, printed, or blank pages fastened along one side and encased between protective covers.
Wow...This is Amazing!, DVD's are books now!..Yeah..For all you library higher up assholes, Stop trying to my Librarys a store, They are for INFORMATIONAL PURPOUSES! Though the CD's aren't a bad touch, I still don't agree with your selection..Lot's and Lots of Retard's Attempting Poetry(Rap)..>.>...Anyway, Info purpouses..Yeah..Hehe..You know what i saw in the J(Juniour)Ficton area..?
"Learn how to rap"
By L.L Cool J
..Yeah..Thanks for the lesson L.L..Never knew how to be retarded in the first place, And you just helped me learn! Scary part is, There is no one ever in the history section, And, the state/Sience/Other things info area, Which they call, Homework center..Schools another thing i'll rant about tomorrow, But this should fill a page or two. Anytime I want to be alone, Just head back there..Idiots didn't even set up the cameras right!
One of my brothers friends father is A Police officer, And when the people how set up the cameras at the library set them up, He was thier suggestion places that would be best..Assholes ignored him and set them in the most retarded places. That section i was talking about?, Not a singel camera even looks CLOSE to there, And thier are alos several other blind spots, maybe at most three or four cameras...On the Entier building. And, I'm not giving away exploits, ANY FREAKING ONE can see this, if you have even A bit of brian matter, You can relize that this system is Fscked to hell and back.
Well..That's all for my rant, If anyone was offended, I was just letting off steam, And ment nothing by it..Well..Maybe excpet for the higher up's being assholes..Though some aren't, Most are..Too bad to good ol' days of intellgent people high up are dead and gone..How well..How life is, No..?
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