20 days left.....
2003-09-02 00:41:56
.....Until I finally move out for college :) yay.....
I got my computer on friday, and I've temporarily set it up in my room. No connection for it yet, and I still need to transfer all my programs and files from my current computer to the new one. Hopefully it'll handle AMV creations and other multimedia just as good, if not better than, my current computer.
Finished and uploaded my track in animix. I might work on part IV if any of the tracks inspire me.
Another long while....
2003-08-26 00:46:45
This last week has been mostly work and some random things to occupy my time. Believe me, shifts from 9pm to 6:30am with pure manual labor ain't easy......
Nearly done with my segment of the Animix. It's nothing amazing, and I really wished to have made it stick out with some SFX or something, but I simply stuck with some simple transitions and superimposing, and left it at that. I may or may not participate in parts 4&5, depending on what songs are available, if they inspire me, etc.
As for the recent anime I've been watching, I'm stuck to Hajime no Ippo. Pure brilliance up to episode 35, and look foward to the rest of the series. Definitely on my top 10.
Damn it's been a while
2003-08-07 00:20:18
Haven't updated this in a while. Unfortunately, I've also been procrastinating on my segment of the Animix, simply cuz I was last stuck as to where my vid was heading. I had some ideas for SFX (nothing complicated or big, just something that would enhance it a bit), but finding out how to do such things is more difficult than actually doing it. I'll do what I can about this vid this week when I find the time.
I find it rather funny that a lot of the people I know have LiveJournal accounts, and I don't. One, I already have this journal, which is a way to vent out some small stuff, and update on my amvs and such. Two, personally, being the somewhat introverted person I am, I don't like the idea of putting out my deeper thoughts onto a wide platform such as the internet for others to read. I understand the idea that journals allow one to vent feelings and thoughts, but I'd rather keep them private in my own mind, or if I'm truly desperate, talk to a friend about it rather than using an lj. yeah, well, whatever.
Current Anime Watching: Hajime No Ippo
Episodes seen: 16
Rating: Kick-fucking-ass
*Puzzled Look*
2003-07-26 13:29:04
Half the work of any art is knowing the "how" of your tools, while the other half is innovation and creation. I've got the latter down, it's merely the former that's really pissing me off (in other words, premiere, etc). Seeing the inspiring work of other amv creators top yours isn't really so bad as simply not knowing what they know about Premiere, After effects, etc. It's too bad I'm still a novice with those programs. I could use a class covering those materials right about now. Oh well, I've continued work on my segment of the amv and I would say it's about 50% done. The other half will still require some time.
Nothing much has happened in the past few days. Mostly errands, visiting friends, etc.
The Wheels have begun turning...
2003-07-21 01:39:29
In terms of my actual project, I've gotten the basics of it all started. The first 15 seconds will be concentrating on Castle in the Sky (I'm still puzzled as to why 'Laputa' was ommitted from the title, but whatever, that's Disney...anyway...), so I ripped the dvd and began scanning and skimming through the movie for clips I might use. Three clips taken using Virtual dub, but it's all mostly to test around with and brainstorm the specifics of what I'll do for that first half. I'll continue work tomorrow, if I've got the time, or Tuesday.
Friends can really piss ya off sometimes, I swear....[nothing more]
I'm currently reading "Burton on Burton", which is basically an autobiographical-sense book of Tim Burton's works and thoughts. Really clearly said, and extremely interesting. I can relate to this guy in so many ways.
Tomorrow I'll be at Wild Waves/Enchanted Village, so my schedule will be at least partially filled up. Nothing more to ssay for now.
Current server time: Mar 06, 2025 21:50:14