JOURNAL: MajinZero

  • Will work for Inspiration.... 2002-06-30 15:47:00 Even though it is the summer time, full of free slots within my days to work on AMV's and such, it is very difficult to find any particular inspiration to create one. Finding a music piece that is both incredible, yet fitting to a source I have is hard enough, and even when I do find such music, I end up not having enough material to work with. Oy, I need music, quick.

    Haven't done all too many things so far. I went paintballing last week in a forest in the middle of nowhere. Quite enjoyable, especially with the fact that my aim improvised for the lack of accuracy that exists with my paintball gun. The only bad thing was the bug bites I got on my hand. Damn nature...
  • Day 8 Vacation..... 2002-06-19 13:45:19 So far, my summer has gone pretty good I guess. Nothing truly exciting, mostly working, which I count on next friday to bring a fat paycheck ^_^ I've mostly been at home, watching anime (GTO #3 was hilarious, as usual) or working a bit on the ol' comp. Ah, speaking of which, I started a tiny bit of work on my new AMV (actually, I'd better leave it termed as a parody), though I tend to slack off and procrastinate doing much to it. I have a good concept, I just need to put it together. 
  • Ah, The end is here.....and the beginning 2002-06-13 02:53:53 ah, indeed this is true: no more school for three months. Last day today, and it was quite good. Only one final, rather easy one, then I went to a party with several of my friends. I'll be a Senior next year, so that's all cool. With school out of the way, all I've really got in the way is work, which hell, is worth it for the money. I'll be attempting to get out of the house more (a challenge for any indoorsy type of guy like me :) ). Gah, Idon't have much else to say, but I do feel rather happy, yet kinda sad at the same time. A classmate I got to know a bit better this year is moving to Arizona, so it'll be somewhat empty around and such......Ah, life is indeed sweet and sorrowful, I guess. Hell, Might as well just go through with it...

  • AMV submitted....One opinion......seniors are done....more 2002-06-06 18:57:13 I submitted my Kenshin AMV on monday, and I've received one opinoin for it so far, though it seemed rather critical....Oh well, I suppose constructive criticism is better than plain bashing....though it could have been a bit more specific. Still, I'm proud of my work.

    Today was the last day for the seniors at my school. I still have 4 days to go, but I'm rather saddened to see them go. I'll miss having them around, some for their stupidity, some for their entertainment, and many for friendship and stuff. Life goes on.

    One more ADP session this friday. The two titles are unfamiliar to me, but that can only be good, I suppose. 
  • Hurrah! My lastest masterpiece is complete! 2002-06-03 01:09:26 Ah, I've just completed my Rurouni Kenshin vid as of a few minutes ago, and I rendered it into a wmv file. Looks pretty damn good to me. I'm rather proud of it, especially in comparison to my first work. I'm sending it to a friend tomorrow, at which then I'll submit it to and host it on my server. Hopefully I'll get some good reviews on it as well.

    School week commences tomorrow. I welcome myself back to hell. Only eight more days until I'm out. Until then, it will be true hell.

    Jya ne.  
Current server time: Jan 15, 2025 07:56:59