JOURNAL: MajinZero

  • Bah! *kicks computer* 2002-04-26 17:56:50 .....Screw it. I'll try actually paying for hosting. No more free account crap. I'll have something more sometime soon. 
  • This may work.... 2002-04-25 23:42:30 I uploaded my vid to Streamload, and from what I see, they may be a reliable free service, although I may be proven wrong later. We'll just see what happens for now. 
  • Son of a Gun..... 2002-04-25 09:53:18 Geh.....I blame myself partially for the fact that I uploaded my vid and linked it without knowing that there was a daily bandwidth limit which I could not deal with. Then again, I blame those bastards at Tripod for not being specific enough when addressing how exactly their damn service works. I'll try to actually spend a few bucks for some megs and bandwidth sometime soon. Until then I'll find alternative ways to spread my vid. 
  • Haste makes waste, but time is.....nuts, I forget...... 2002-04-25 00:19:35 In a wild haste, I quickly uploaded my vid to tripod, created a 2-minute page providing a link to the vid, and submitted my vid to the database. The deed has been done, all there is now is simply waiting and watching. 
  • Server bites asses....again 2002-04-24 23:36:39 Gah! This damn server destroyed both of the journal entires I made tosya. I'll try to restate what I said for the most part, in a concise way. Basically, my vid is finished and encoded in .rm, due to file size limits and such. The quality isn't top-notch, but it seems minimal for me. The vid, now that I've watched it many times, pretty much sucks. I tend to be a harsh critic to myself more than anything else. It has it's good moments, but I feel I made the number one mistake of most AMV creators, especially since this is my first mv: several clips are pretty much random. Also, the superimposed text was annoying to myself, and probably will be to any who may decide to watch it, but I felt that they were somewhat necessary to make some of my transtitions and scenes not so random and a bit smoother. Overall though, I'll just have the guts to submit it. The only way I can become better at this would be to learn from it and listening to all opinions/suggestions, so I'll probably try to submit it tonight or tomorrow.

    As for my other deleted entry, I'll simply leave it this way: Dreams, not nightmares, are the worst when they seem as if they actually occurred. 
Current server time: Mar 06, 2025 21:58:46