JOURNAL: MajinZero

  • First Draft Complete! 2002-04-03 14:44:42 After doing some massive work on my MV today, I finally got finished creating what I would call the first draft. Basically, this means the entire music video has its outline finished and there are little, if no, blank points in it. Personally, I see a few good things within it (a few good points of lip/gag synching) as well as many things that could improve (transition of theme, moving the clips around a bit, etc). I've already encoded that first draft as well which I'll be showing to a few friends to get some feedback on anything I might have missed and perhaps receive good suggestions. As soon as I feel I have enough feedback, I'll edit the MV using what I ideas I've gotten, and if needed, create a second draft (only if I feel that the vid is still somewhat trivial).

    That seems to be all for today. I'll try to check in tomorrow. 
  • Not a happy day 2002-04-03 07:42:51 It's approximately 7:31am. I could be sleeping at this very moment, taking advantage of the Spring break timing I was given only last week. Now, I wouldn't be so angry at this moment had I won the auction I got up so early to bid on....It's sick enough in the first place that there are idiots on Ebay who have the ignorant thought that bidding hours, days, or even a week before the auction ends will win or put an advantage on their side. The thing is, online auctions are not like live auctions. The intelligent way to bid is to do so at the last few minutes of the auction so that you can be outbid only by a quick-typing, money-making user, so that the price does not raise dramatically until the end....Sadly enough, I still was outbid even in the last 25 seconds remaining. The greatest dissapointment of all is that this auction was for a Sanosuke happi that is ridiculously rare and hard to get, if you're lucky enough to find traces of its existance.

    Well, I've gotten an early start for today, might as well get something done... 
  • Wasted hours 2002-04-02 22:34:52 I *believe* I may have fixed the problem with my video capture card now that details about the card and its driver have appeared once again. I have yet to test it and make sure it captures just fine. I also still need to check for some way to fix the problem with premiere. Frankly, I don't feel like working anymore on troubleshooting for tonight. I have to get up a bit early tomorrow morning to bid on an online auction (am I the only dedicated, intelligent bidder on Ebay?), so I may try to get some sleep......after playing some CS and doing random computer fun ^_^ 
  • Why must my computer be a grand piece of ****?! 2002-04-02 13:25:31 I seriously need to get a new computer. A PIII 450 mHz computer that acts as if it were a PII 200 mHz is not needed for the tasks I put it up to. The AVI files finally have been working correctly, but now, both Adobe Premiere <i>and</i> my own Capture card have to follow in its footsteps, causing more annoyance towards the user (myself). Premiere seems to crash when I try to open up the project file containing my MV and my capture card has decided not to respond for some odd reason. I must have a long line of patience to put up with this crap. My plans for this MV are starting to go down the drain. I'm gonna have to be wasting time troubleshooting once again. 
  • As the horrendous Black Beast lunged forward, escape for Arthur and his knights seemed hopeless, when suddenly, the animator suffered a fatal heart attack. 2002-04-01 20:46:14 "The cartoon peril was no more. The quest for Holy Grail could continue. "
    -Randomly quoting from Monty Python and the Holy Grail ^_^

    Thanks to a suggestion from an internet forum user, I installed the newest DIVX, allowing my AVI's to play correctly. My quest to complete the MV can now continue *yay*.

    I always seem to forget this day, and when I do, it's at a time in which it's useless to know. For example, one piece of news on Anime News Network reports supposedly, that Microsoft is working on a Anime channel. My first reaction was negative (I have my own editorial opinion on this type of subject, but I won't write about it now), but then I realized once again the point of this damnable day.

    On other news, I read this article ( in which a California State lawmaker is proposing a 5 cent tax on each round of ammunition sold in the state to support Trauma centers and such. The article goes a bit more into detail, but I feel this would be a good tax for the whole country, although most politicians will go against it considering many of them are dirty, payed-off-by-the-NRA-and-other-such-special-interests ********.

    Nothing more to say for tonight. I'll get to capturing a few more things tomorrow and add to the MV.  
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