JOURNAL: MajinZero

  • The Holy grail of anime DVDs 2002-03-16 18:08:52 That is basically what the "Grave of the Fireflies" DVD is to me now. Compelling movie.....I completely regret ever neglecting to watch this film. It's no wonder there have been nothing but good reviews for it. Seeing it makes me rethink all about the horrible effects of WWII, or any other war for that matter.

    Other than that, there hasn't much I've been able to do today. I've mostly been doing some random things in Rhino 3d. I'll try adding some work into the MV, but I just hope my computer doesn't feel as stubborn as it was yesterday. 
  • Back to ADP fridays 2002-03-15 22:25:03 I just got back from the ADP (Anime Discovery Project, a weekly showing of anime at a local University) after having not attended the last two showings. I came back only to see a double-movie feature, comprising of "Adventures of Horas, Prince of the Sun" and "Wings of Honneamise: Royal Space Force". The first movie I found.....interesting. Anime made around 1970 is rather odd, yet somehow appreciating. Still, the movie had more songs going on than any Disney movie I've seen. As for WOH, I found that to be a treasure anime from the 80's (at least I believe it was made around that time). Being from Gainax, the film isn't so clear on somethings, particularly the ending, but the showing was overall enjoyable. And that had made my friday. Now, I think I'll be up for another hour or two, go to sleep, and get around to continuing the project tomorrow morning. 
  • 2002-03-12 21:20:32 If this damn computer wasn't currently irreplaceable, I would have gone postal on it by now. While trying to make at least a few adjustments to the MV, it crashed the program just as I was about to save. I really hate all the damn errors and slower processing it has been putting me through the past several months. I really need a new comp....

    On another subject, what surprised me today was the test concerning "The Jungle", which turned out to be rather easy, especially considering the past two novel tests I've had. At least I know I passed, as far as I can guess.

  • Cars, tests, movie preview, and a bit of free time 2002-03-11 19:34:36 Haven't updated in a bit. Yesterday, I went to the Seattle Roadster Show in the Exhibiton hall that had been going on for about 3 or 4 days. Though I'm not much of a car fanatic, I did find myself drooling at a lime-green 1967 Shelby Cobra GT-500, Fastbacks, Lincolns...etc. I do hope to be driving one of those cars someday ^_^

    However, I find myself also studying for a US history test, though it concerns itself over the novel "The Jungle". Considering the last two novels I've already had to read so far this year, I don't think I'll do very well, though I may surprise myself if God is on my side. :)

    While taking a break from studying, I was watching a classic episode of the Simpsons (ah, the good ol' humorous days of a once-great animated series) when I saw a commercial preview for the upcoming "Resident Evil" movie to be out this friday. Having seen a few clips, read reviews, and retaining general experience from being a Video game fan, my guess will be that this movie will suck, to put it simply. Movies based on Games don't turn out that well. The question is, is it worth $5-7 to see? Unless if I'm truly bored, or have a friend wanting to see it as well, I don't think I'll make such may be worth the rental....

    I have little free time tonight, so I won't be working any further....I'll get <i>something</i> done by Saturday, though it may not be much. 
  • 2002-03-08 14:43:24 Never watch too much Eva in one day. Its massive requirement for your mind's full attention wears a person out.

    Haven't had much time for capturing or MV editing. I'll probably get around to doing much more by next weekend.  
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