JOURNAL: MajinZero

  • Last day of the year... 2002-12-31 15:02:37 I still need to find something to do tonight for new years' eve. Perhaps I'll do the usual, go to a friend's house, light off fireworks like hell, and stay up the rest of the night doing crazy ****.

    My Trigun Vid is going good. Finished first 24 seconds of it rather quickly, yet it looks well-done. I plan to edit it at least once a day, if not more over the next week, or two, or three, depending on how good it goes.

    Y'know, after seeing that I haven't done opinions on vids in a while, I decided to take a look at the newest amv's released in the last two days. Now, I may be rambling a bit, but what the hell is it with all these vids to overused anime and music. Does originality not exist anymore? Apparently, the statistics of the thirty most used anime and music indicates not......C'mon people, there are other animes than DBZ, and waaayyyy more bands than System of a Down and Linkin Park......oh well, not as if anyone's going to listen....

    I saw the movie "Airplane" for the first time last more needs to be said..... 
  • Life Goes On.... 2002-12-26 20:54:36 Let's see, I've got two vids on the grill to be worked on. One is a Trigun vid which I don't intend to spend too much time on, just making it a simple vid. The other is an Escaflowne vid that covers the relationship between Hitomi and Van throughout the series, perhaps the movie as well, which I hope to put my heart and soul in.

    Nothing much for Christmas, but I am still thankful for the Lord of the Rings:The Fellowship of the Ring Extended DVD set, as well as the extra bucks received from family, which I'll gladly spend on new anime and such :)

    I had the pleasure of finally seeing "The Two Towers" last night after several friends had already seen it. Although I've never read the books, I was just as amazed by this film as the previous one. The battle scenes were pure bloodlustingly fun, the plot definitely moved well, and it all seemed as if those three hours passed somewhat fast. After watching some of the behind the scenes extras from my DVD set, as well as hearing from fans themselves, I must say overall that the LOTR movies have kept well in general to being faithful to the books. Like any book-to-movie, I've heard of many details left out and odd thing put in, but from hearing the director of the film and others, it seems that they've truly done a job well done. No movie can be converted 100% from a book form, considering both are very different forms of entertainment and literary expression. Anyways, it was all good. 
  • *Playing Taps* 2002-12-21 23:52:33 I really wish i had gone over the guide on this site before using a method of dvd .vob file manipulation in Premiere .....Because of that, the clips received many errors in what spots to play at which time, and the result basically being that I stopped that project altogether and deleted my files. Oh well, I'll start work on something else soon enough.

    Just got vol 1 of Witch Hunter Robin on dvd, awesome anime.....somewhat repetitive on the episodic format that some other animes suffer from, but the atmosphere and well written stories of each episode keep the anime interesting in my opinion. And, from what I hear, much of the plot, and the character devlopment will come soon once I get the next dvd....Animes like this truly make my day :)

    Thank God christmas break has come around.....I could use the sleep and free time....that's all I have to say about that.

  • Edit, edit, edit..... 2002-12-01 17:52:06 Since Friday night, all the way up to today, I've been doing some massive editing for my vid. Since I extended the song to be a full music video, as opposed to being a Hellsing "trailer", I've been looking closely at the lyrics and sections of the song that split between guitar solos, prechoruses, choruses, etc. It's not going all too bad, although a lot of the clips seem too long, breaking the 4-second rule at times. Oh well, for the most part, I shall simply drive through this entire video, editing it to the end, getting the key parts correct and such, and then working on all the weak parts that come between. The project wil be temporarily paused until next weekend, though I may squeeze a second or two of work into it if free time occurs.

    What I find to be one of the worst parts of online gaming, whether it be first-person shooter, strategy, or whatever else, is the presence of a truly disrespectful, moronic, and utterly annoying player. Although this doesn't really affect my own performance, it truly takes away the joy when some idiot (*cough*neRus412 *cough*) attempts to judge you for actually applying smart strategy in a game, and continues rambling on with unoriginal insults, acting like an 11-yearold in general. Oy....the stupidity of human beings really amaze Albert Einstein once put it, "Only two things are infinite: the universe, and human stupidity. and I'm not quite sure about the former" =)

  • Long weekend, nearly here... 2002-11-27 01:13:46 ah, I'm truly glad that this week will be cut short due to the wonderful stuff-one's-face-until-he/she-gains-several-pounds-resulting-in-use-of-weight-loss-program day, better known as "Thanksgiving." Today was also a rather happy day for me, now that I finally got the brand new Sum 41 album, "Does this look infected?" Critically, the songs aren't in my opinion as great as some of their other songs from All Killer No Filler, but as a fan, it's still truly kickass stuff. I'm not sure whether I like Still Waiting, The Hell Song, or Over My Head better.....I enjoy em all too much ^_^

    Extra long weekend also means more time for AMV editing =) Now that I've finally gotten back on track with my Hellsing video, I've got a pretty good idea of what the format the rest of the vid will be where I had last left it off. It won't be as great as I originally though it'd be, but hell, art is art: some will like it, most will hate it :)

    Getbackers is a kickasss anime, goodstuff like its manga counterpart. I wish I had Ban's "evil eye", or his 200 kilogram pressured fist...... 
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