Like Macarthur, I Hath Returned.....
2002-09-14 01:33:53
Wow, that was some weird computer went dead sometime like two or three weeks ago. Bad thing is, my data is pretty much lost (unless if I find some way to transfer the stuff indirectly...). The good thing is, I HAVE A NEW COMP! I am happy ^_^ A P4 2.2 Gigahertz, 512 meg ddr sdram, 40 gig hard drive space, and a 64 meg geforce card really make a damn good comp for me...
Much to write about, but perhaps I'll save much for later. For now, I'm off to play some WCIII up to its absolute full potential in gameplay speed, response, and graphics....
more laziness, more work, days counting down to the end of summer....
2002-08-20 02:15:38
gah, with work, a best friend going on vacation, and other friends being busy, my august summer is rather dull.....enough without considering my comp being what it is. I've lost much of my inspiration for the GTO AMV I was creating, as I haven't found too much of a concept behind the song or the video, other than featuring some of Onizuka's nutsy moments. I have second AMV idea in line, which I'm starting to put together in my head, although it may be a while once again before I start anything.
Random quote:
"Hmm, very educational!"
-Kintaro Oe
I'm bored, time for a random rant:
2002-08-05 17:56:36
It seems that every time I come back to this web page, clicking on the "new downloads" button, I find that most of the new videos are using songs, concepts, or animes already used in the same way by hundreds of other videos. Christ, this may seem rude of me, but does the majority of members here have little to no originality? eesh, I find two more videos using the song "chop suey" by System of a Down, two more Linkin Park vids, and yet another Liberi Fatali vid. I may be somewhat new to making anime music vid (speaking of which, I'm still working on my third vid), but what I find redeeming about myself is that I try to use songs never or very rarely used before, and build on a concept that follows a clear, original standard. This may have been said many times already, but here's some advice from an admirer and critic of AMVS: BE FRIKKIN' ORIGINAL!
Now that I've let out my steam, I think I'll be off to play some more WCIII.....
2002-07-23 02:27:21
Dear God, I feel very close to pulling an "office space" on my computer. I can almost feel it degrading itself by the minute, slowly rotting away itself along with my patience. Not only is it very difficult to play WCIII online at times with the damn thing causing lag in the most random points in the game, but working with premiere has become even more difficult than before. If reality has caught on to my fears, I may not be able to edit any amv's, unless if my computer decides to be in a good mood.
*begins holding up sign, reads: "Will do undignified work for new, better comp"*
Oy, now to brush that off my mind, I did manage to accomplish one thing today. I finished reading "The Godfather" novel. Having seen the movie first, I must say I am quite impressed with both forms of the story. The director, Francis Copolla, of the films did an excellent job in adapting the dark novel into a similarily dark movie. Of course, as any other adaptation, the film still cannot live up to some of the more important writings left out. However, I can easily say this novel has become my #2 favorite novel, closely trailing behind "Ender's Game." The only sad thing is that I have come to the realization that I must soon get to reading some other novels required for the coming school year.....damn system....
Work is seriously depriving me of my sanity, time, and fun....if it weren't for money, I'd be out of there.....I don't sound much different than the next guy stuck in a pithole of his own called a "job."
Pure Procrastination=bad......
2002-07-17 01:45:25
Again, I'ver been putting off doing anything about making anime music videos. In the last day or so, I've found a few small ideas for a new AMV, not exactly spectacular ones, but surely good. I might begin work on it tomorrow or sometime soon. Nothing more to report on that. In the last two weeks, I've been taking Ninjutsu classes with two of my friends, which I've found to be quite enjoyable, as well as a good experience. I'll then be busy in the later hours of the evening on tuesdays and thursdaya, but it works out well with my schedule. I haven't really bought any grand new anime DVD's, although I do plan for next tuesday, the 23rd, for the Escaflowne movie, Kare Kano, and more. Warcraft III has been taking up half of my free time, practicing the many strategies I've been reading and hearing about. Wild Arms, a game I beat long ago on the PSX, has been taking my other half. I truly enjoy that game, replaying the whole thing. Quite sad how underrated it was....even more sad how the second one seemed to be, although I never bothered to go very far in the game.
Vanilla Coke is good.
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