JOURNAL: Aurora304 (Shell W)

  • Woah...Kenau Style 2005-11-02 13:24:43 Man, I have been busy watching Buffy and Angel too much...Now watching Firefly (damn you Joss Whedon and your creativeness!)

    NEways, Just leaving a little note to say what up and that this place still looking for new vids. TTYL

  • 2005-03-18 15:33:03 Bakaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    Anyways...spending too much time DL ing stuff...gotta go to work 
  • updateeeeeee 2005-03-18 01:14:45 welp...been a while huh?

    I still have my account! WoWzA!

    w00t for FF7: AC videos everywhere! re-hashing the same 5 minutes of images to awesomes music TO THE EXTREME!!!

    hold please....another DL completed......

    *returns* was not too good, oh well....just find another one eh?

    Gots to go!

  • woot---DL Time 2004-07-25 17:20:57 So I finally got the two-week waiting peroid lifted...and I have DLed about 33 AMVs...I think I am addicted ^_^

    I got work 2 do, so I should sign off... more DL left...

    ...must wait for completion...

    ...woot it is done...

    Im out! 
Current server time: Dec 26, 2024 23:25:30