JOURNAL: Devolution

  • dead tired 2003-10-05 05:29:01 -_- i get the weekend off from work, and what do i do? drag my computer to Ghost's place so that i can have cable access for 24hours ><

    the logical thing to do would have been SLEEP! since i'm still trying to catch up on what i lost at AWA(the lost sleep was worth it though ^^)....but as anyone who knows me will tell you.....i don't always adhere to proper here i am at 6am posting in my journal before i go to bed.

    in teh news of me, i now have 2 more games to keep me occupied when i have nothing better to do(in other words, i have them, but i'm probably never going to get to play them -_-). i bought Homeworld2 before i left for AWA(but since my Athlon2400+ died when the Volcano7 that was cooling it gave out, i didn't have a chance to play it), and today Kyle's brother burned me a copy of Halo for PC(*drool*). so if i ever lose my internet or something like that, i'll probably get around to playing them.

    oh yeah....speaking of my Athlon2400, that's the other adventure i've been on the last couple of computer has systematically been killing itself >< first my 3month-old 80gig WesternDigital SpecialEdition HD died(the saturday before AWA no less), taking my 2 remasterd videos and my new PoweredByS2 video with it(along with a shitload of other important stuff, i bought a new Maxtor 120gig drive to replace it before i left), then my 4month-old Athlon2400+ cooks itself while i'm in atlanta, all thanks to the useless Volcano7 heatsink/fan that suddenly decided to NOT WORK while the comp was on ><(i bought an Athlon2000+ as replacement while the other chip is sent away for replacement under warranty), AND THEN the morning after i get back from atlanta, my powerSupply gives out for no apparent reason -_- the only thing that saved me from having to wait for my next paycheck(me = broke as hell after the con -_- couldn't afford a new supply) was the fact that(by some fluke) the ATX powersupply from my cousins computer(that we all assumed was broken) now i'm running my comp on some craptastic 235watt AOpen thing.

    and so ends the week of "omgwtf!?".....thank god....if there was anything else thrown at me i think i would have just crapped out and died -_-


    oh yeah :p (and no i didn't forget) Happy Birthday Q ^^ 
  • 2003-09-13 05:56:51 MUAHAHAHA!!

    HELL YES! i got my fucking tax return today!
    *does the dance of ULTIMATE JOY AND CELEBRATION*

    get ready folks :D i'm gonna be at AWA in full force(with money this year ^^)

    work was pretty good....except for mike getting all pissed at me again...i swear the guy just wants an excues to fucking yell at SOMEONE....i didn't even do anything...i'd just finished sweeping the entire backroom(big freaking room....just a litte smaller than the VAT room at AWA last year ><), and i'm walking up to the front of the plant to get a drink of water, and mike walks by all pissed and says "why don't you try doing something constructive for once?"

    O_O i look at him as he walks by and if he'd stopped he would have gotten the raving of his life. god almighty, why the hell does he think he's doing? telling me to work....when the 2 new people go outside for a fucking cigarette, i'm inside working my ass off....and they're outside lazing about having a smoke....i wanted to kill him.....*stab stabbity stab stab stab*

    :p but all that anger disappeared when i found out i'd gotten my check XD hell yes, time to go to AWA! *dances some more*

    and i'll actually be able to buy food at the AMV dinner this year ;_; i couldn't last year, since i had less than 170$ USD when i got to the convention >< and 90 of that was hotel room, and 40 or so was the con fee...and i wanted to buy something at the Dealer's no food for me :p

    *dances some more*

    gonna get me some DVDs and make some more videos! hell yeah!.....speaking of videos, i'm starting an Eva video this morning.....calling it(and i'm quite proud of the name, since it's a parody of both the song and the series :D) "Powered by S2".....and you'll get the (bad) joke when i release it ;)

    anyways, laters folks, i'm here till noon if you want to get ahold of me on AIM, but then i'm gone for the weekend getting ready for AWA(hotel reservations, bus tickets, etc).....

    laters all ^^ 
  • : it's geting close to the 16th.....i dunno if i want to go to that appointment or not..... 2003-09-12 05:37:38 Q: thanks for what you said yesterday....just remember that i'm here if you need to do the same thing....

    anyways, work wasn't as bad tonight.....there were enough pressmen, and more than enough people to run the stacker/count-o-veyors....and they're getting closer to putting that new Gammeler STC-700 Compensating Stacker(price tag: 100,000$) on the line i run :D damn right i wanna be the first one to use that sucker. so that's one good thing that's gonna happen in the next week....

    as for other things, i'm buying a new computer(1.4Ghz sys)....price tag: 170$ for mobo, chip, PSU and all i have to do is add a HD, CD-ROM, RAM, and a vid card, and i can sell it off(price tag 450$ :D). yay more money for AWA!

    but as for AWA, stress is tax return hasn't come in yet, and that's basically what i was riding on for the bulk of my cash.....if it doesn't come in, then i can't help feit or xeno with their crap : if i sell that new comp, i can go....but that would mean that xeno and feit COULDN'T.....(since their arrival and stay at AWA are riding on me lending them money)


    but with the extra 400$ AWA will be VERY nice :D maybe buy me a couple of boxed sets ^^

    well, that's all for today ^^ be sure to tune in tomorrow....same devo-time, same devo-channel :P 
  • HELL! aka Night Shift at Huron Web 2003-09-11 06:10:39 [Devo]

    that's what Jerry(2nd lead pressman) called the night shift yesterday. Jake had just started running teh press on our shift, and at lunch, the convo went something like this:

    Jerry: hey jake
    Jake: mmmm <mouth full of food>
    Jerry: Welcome to hell!
    Carrie: SHUT UP! you don't want to scare him away do you?

    that was the only funny/good thing that happened the other night..... -_-

    and most people reading this are thinking "WTF?! Huron Web? Press? what?" and wondering where the hell i work....

    well to fill you all in...for the last 5 months i've been working at Huron Web Offset Printing and Graphics( print grocery flyers, junk mail, and some small newspapers(some pretty big -_- fucking 46-page Londoner >:O fucking bundle of 100 papers weighs 60lbs and there's 100,000 copies to be printed) for a big chunk of Southwestern Ontario, Eastern Michigan(live in Grosse Pointe? we print the Grosse Point News) and Northern Ohio.

    now what do i do there? i'm on fly/stacker duty and sometimes presshelp(if they're desperate :p).....when i fly(no i don't soar the skies dropping newspapers everywhere), i stand in front of this retarded little machine they call a Count-o-veyor. this POS machine pulls the bundles in through the bottom of the machine and stacks them(rather unevenly) on the top of the machine for us to grab after it spits them out(it's on a timer and speed control to regulate how many flyers it stacks per timer cycle) and jog them so that they're neat and then stack them in bundles, strap them and then put them on a skid. from one printing press you can jog, stack, strap and move around 1.5-3 tons of paper in a night -_- it's hell for the arms the first few weeks. here's what the count-o-veyor looks like:

    keep in mind that this version is a lot newer than the one i use(dumbass owner only buys used shit ><) so we only have 2 belts on the bottom of the machine, and there is no fancy wheel thing in the bottom -_-

    but that pic is of the GOOD count-o-veyor.....the bad one? looks like someone BUILT IT BY HAND >< runs like it was built by hand a pile of shit.

    that's for stacking? that means to run the Mueller Martini stackers( but the one in the pic is newer than the ones we use -_-) that we have on 2 of the 4 lines(the other 2 lines are stackers for them >:O), and this is the EASY job....the flyers come out in perfectly counted flips and nicely stacked bundles, all i have to do is grab it, strap it and put it on the skid! :O yeeha efficiency!

    and last but not least, presshelp....while on this duty, i put 800-2000lb rolls up on the splicers to feed in to the 4-stack web printers(web != internet and it's far from being anything digital), i fill the ink trays so that the presses can actually print shit :p

    and now back to the hell of a night that i went through yesterday....

    it all started out bad....i got into work almost late at 10pm, and was on my way out of the lunch room when Dawn mentioned that Darren(one of the pressmen) quit.

    Dawn: darren quit....
    Me: huh? what? why?
    dawn: dunno....he just quit all of a sudden
    Me: mmmmm we have enough pressmen tonight then?
    dawn: nope
    me: ARG!

    so i go downstairs and go to my usual stacker on 3rd press.....John(pressman that runs 3rd press) walks up and tells me that my stacker is i move the stacker out of the way and put the craptastic hand-made count-o-veyor in place instead >< and get ready for a night of being shit on......

    then john comes up and tells me i'm working on the front press(#4), with Linda and the good count-o-veyor....only good thing that happened all night -_- so we get to printing on #4 when all of a sudden it just stops(like it always fucking does)....20minutes downtime and were up again. Meanwhile the middle press is printing the Grosse Point News(new paper to print, 50,000 copies, in addition to St.Clair Shores Connection, 20,000 copies AND the Londoner, 110,000 copies 44 pages each copy) and it's already the Londoner(which needs to be done by 7am) is most definitely not going to get finished....which means pissed off lead pressman(mike) things run shitty all the way to lunch(the owner must have called 20 times in 3 hours to ask mike why the londoner wasn't being printed yet) and Lo and Behold, Lead pressman #2, Jerry, walks in.....

    Me: why are you here?
    Jerry: because Chris Cooke(teh owner) wanted me here
    Me: awfully crappy to call you in at 2am, eh?
    Jerry: duh

    so we have lunch(during which Cooke calls and asks "why are they taking lunch?!" to which jerry answers "because the law says they can?"....yay jerry), and we go downstairs.....Linda and i start printing a grocery flyer and GUESS WHO WALKS IN THE FUCKING DOOR?!?

    none other than the owner himself: Chris Cooke

    we all groan -_- crap

    so he walks up to the skid we're stacking and flips through it for a few minutes before telling us to throw all 10000 copies we've printed into the garbage -_- he then procedes to clean the plant(to show us up, and make it look like we're being lazy and he isn't), and make the pressman run around like little slaves(damn they run fast when he's around).....he stays for the next 4 hours, stopping our runs and pointing out what's wrong with them -_- the last 3 hours we didn't even print 75,000 pages -_- shitty considering we can normally print 200,000 in 8 hours

    so 6am rolls around.....i dance for joy....time to go home, away from Chris Cooke and all the HELL that is Huron Web.....i walk home....happiness ensues, my computer is still on.....i turn the stereo on, winamp is still running i move the mouse, double click on a song..................................................................AND IT FUCKING FREEZES UP! ><

    i restart only to find that neither of my HardDrives are being detected......nice reboots and 2 hours later, i get it to FINALLY detect the drives and boot into windows -_- thank god the drives weren't dead......

    so there ya go....that's been my last day or so worth of happenings......

    got something to say? e-mail me (even if it's just to link me to your journal if you reply :p)

  • Wonka's Journal Entry: AMV Community(or lack thereof) 2003-08-23 07:28:18 seems i only post in this when something serious is going on around here : oh well.

    here's my 0.02, hope it makes sense.

    i'm gonna agree with this completly. community? gone. innovation? gone. proper flaming of stupid-ass n00bs asking the same fucking question when they can just search the forum? gone :P

    and in all honesty i can trace the decay back to one single event in the last 2 years........and what, you ask, is that event?

    The GoldenDonut(i know, someone else already said this, but i wanted to talk about it too :P)

    that's right, the G.D. is to be blamed. the decay would have taken a lot longer to kill .org if the donut hadn't come it's just been accelerated, and soon we will be destroed by the uselessness. The donut has allowed people that normally would just bitch about pay-hosting and leave to become active members in the community. now normally one would think of this as a good thing....but uselessness(which in time, with proper practice/training becomes useFULLness) must come in small doses or else creativity is snuffed out. before the donut, if you wanted hosting, you either paid for it or risked the wrath of your ISP and hosted an FTP site off your computer(which i did for 27 people including ISP caught on eventually, and shut me down though). and since most n00bs sure as hell didn't know how to host an FTP site, and for some reason didn't want to pay for it, they left......but some of them stayed(i was one of them ^^, so was xenodrake and several others i know), and they went on to become good editors. and as for the ones that left, obviously they didn't want to seriously pursue this hobby or else they too would have stayed. but now.....the lazy-ass editors that would have left have FREE HOSTING. fuck that....i put 2 videos on Local because they were my most popular, and other than that, i'll be paying for my OWN hosting, thank you very much.

    and i guess to a MUCH lesser extent, the forum is to be blamed as well. phpBB is just so user-friendly that it encourages n00bs/fans to join just for the sake of joining and chatting. the old Phorum on the other hand was this horrible HTML-looking thing that scared the uselessness away and left you with the people that actually WANTED TO MAKE AMVs. :O imagine that.....

    but meh....that's all i'm gonna rave about for now.

    agree with me? disagree with me? e-mail me either way and tell me what ya think :P 
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