straight to the point....
2003-04-02 22:20:28
so what if koop's new video kicks teh ass? i saw it the Euphoria3.avi beta and thought "WOW, THAT'S A GREAT VIDEO!......time to make a better one :D" i personally don't think i'm that good yet, but after seeing the finished version, i realized that i can eventually do something that good.....
so to all the people quitting, get over it...koop's good, but he sure isn't the god of one can claim that title and no one ever will. n00bs eventually become veterans and experts.....that's the way of things.....
to quit over someone else's video is retarded....someday you'll be just as good as Koop if not better....but if you quit now you'll never see that day
fucking christers......
2003-03-29 23:32:31
i lost all my videos too.....friends have backups of some, but not all.......FUCK!
- i long for yesterday....
2003-03-29 23:19:36
after getting back from a going away party for a good friend of mine(he's going to the west coast for 6months or so), and i prepare to plug my drives back in(i DJ'd the party :P), i get them all in and i turn the system on,,,,,,
Suddenly, there's a noise that's not supposed to be of my drives is grinding....over and over.....a constant grind that can only mean one failure -_-
i take it out and check it in the other comp and sure 20GB Fujitsu drive is dead......20GBs of data(some as old as 4 years) lost because Fujitsu sucks teh ass for drive quality.
so i sit here and wallow in my depression at the loss of so much data, wondering when i can pay for the shipping to replace the drive......
-_- damn this sucks.....
my new video
2003-02-21 23:31:19
well, after several months of no videos at all, i've finished my latest video.
Check it out, and if you can, leave a review.
Videos are up again
2003-01-15 23:01:55
My videos are up again for download after a 4 month hiatus.....(as if anyone cares). oh well, if anyone i hosted is reading this, if you still want hosting, change the address for your links accordingly, the IP address has changed to
No new uploads at the moment, not sure when that'll be up.
Current server time: Jan 26, 2025 21:33:35