Silver_Star (*STAR* )
WOW Long time no read
2005-10-10 04:25:15
Hey wow i just noitced how long its been since im writing on here. well wahts enw? well more or less i have a new computer, new hard drive nmy old one went to teh shop, thereis of video game playing wrong because to much crap on it according to brother, and even thoguth our comp doc is still workin on it as it stands now, ALL MY VIDEOS ARE GONE ALL THE ONES I MADE ADN DOWNLOADED!!!!!!!!! WAHAHAHWAHAHHAWHWHHAHAHAHA please keep you fingers crossed he can get them back or send me $2,000 so i can send it somewhere to get it back ^_^ so have to start from scratch again, and i had a bunch of videos dang it. my family has opened a store here in zephyrhills FL, yeah wish us luck and ill try to do this more often, lol thanks for readin see ya ^_^
2004-09-23 17:23:38
I have finally put a AMV online, its called Glory of Love. I hope to have more soon like i have an idea with Chibi-Usa i may air. Its so exciting. Its also so cool seeing soemthing I made online for others to see i love it!!!!!! ^_^ I cant wait though till i get a new computer that i can put my soon to get Sailor Moon DVDs into and make teh AMVs I really wanna make you know how it is scavanging for clips and good ones at that let alone the ones you need. Well good luck to all and forigve mis-spellings. Keep up the great work minna (everyone) ^_^
Counting Down the Days
2004-09-20 14:45:00
Soon I will have a job and soon i will have money and soon i can get the sailor moon DVDs adn then a computer and then PERFECT VIDEOS, i have one its from teh song Gravity of Love by Enigma i Headr from an excellent Sailor Moon Music Video, and its all clips freom teh single 200 episode of sailormoon sadly it has subbs, but i think its decent, but im a little shy it wont be loved, lol, anyway................soon the world will know Shotting Star Pictures, hahahahahahahahaha..............................sorry got carried away sayonara minna ^_^
ooooooh Friday the 13th
2004-08-13 15:15:22
Well its black cat (Luna), broken mirror (watch out Nehelania) walin under ladders, etc day. anyone scared yet. I'm mad that i havent mad an original perfect video for you Sailor Moon Fans to check out, Iv accepted that im most likley stuck with Windows MOvie Maker, but if only i could fine perfect quality Sailor Moon clips that i need, ugh its so agrivating, did i spell that right? Anyway hopefully ill have something up soon, well i do have a music vid or two done but i dont like how they are used clips from other videos i want originallity ya know? ugh anyway back to surfing the net for perfect, free clips see ya.
2004-08-06 16:33:31
Hey I know im been out of the game for a little bit but im back and ready to get some more great videos but with everyone labeling their videos it ruins me from makin some myself becasue soemtimes i see excellent clips, i wish everyoen could say where they get their clips, im dying for some fresh stuff, lol well im back lets see what happens now
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