JOURNAL: bttws (Kevin Krinn)

  • snow 2003-02-16 18:58:23 Our town is been declared a state of emergency and we are under a level 3. The roads are prety bad, but you people are still trying to drive around. It just gets on my nerves, people just don't know when to listen. errr. 
  • New Years 2003-01-02 00:03:25 Well it is a new year, Living here in athens OH (a college town) we get our share of druken Idiots. Last year there where 2 car accidents outside where I live invoving drunk drivers, on of with the guy had to be pulled from his truck and flown to columbus OH. Here last night , we had some drunk freak park his car outside on the street at 4 am. He was yelling and screaming at the people in the house next door, they had their lights on but their doors shut and windows down. He was in his car, blaring his horn
    and being an idiot for 15 minutes. Some guys up the street came down and asked him what was his problem. He said 'nothing' and continued so they yelled at his to stop blaring the horn and he tried to run over them with his car, backed up and down the street about 3 times and left. We called the cops but the cops here don't care about anything. It took them 5 minutes to get here, and by that time the guy had been back (in his car) twice
    driving up the street with his lights off.; he was 'hiding' or something. He left before the cops got here, we waved at the cops to
    stop (the guy the tried to run over was standing with us) but they slowed down looked and kept going >:( Moron cops didn't care. We had his plates too, and called the cops back. I dought that they'll ever get him, I think they were out of state plates.
    hope everone else had a good newyears
  • My Video will be be down for the weekend.... 2002-06-28 22:05:10 My Video will be back up on Sunday Night
  • My First Entry 2002-05-24 00:05:12 I Updated my website today. I Updated lots of my artwork and made a page for my videos.

    I also started on a new video (Excel Saga) I better work on this one a little harder, because in a few months, everyone and their brother will be making them when ADV releses the DVD. So I better get off my butt : ) 
Current server time: Mar 06, 2025 21:45:12