treeprincess (Sarah Ashworth)
computers are so fragile... it's like they're machines or something!
2002-03-07 19:40:48
I dunno what my brother did to the main cpmuter but it was bad. and if i have to rerip and recreate my Perfect Blue, Trigun and Eva MVs again i WILL kill him. Adobe isn't the fastest thing to work with but it's very good for detailing. the boy will die. and i must go now to get new drill bits, the others are getting rusty. -_^
okay okay okay...
2002-03-07 07:30:01
since SOMEONE actually reads this thing. lemme update you. ^o^ I am moving my site to and updating it. there will be some added features now (new amvs and an online manga) and i may discontinue some other sections (movie & ps2 reviews). i'll review things as i watch them. i always write about them in my journal anyhow. ^-^ As for the other sectiond they'll be moved and just tweeked or updated.
to Lord Rae: i checked out hosting for less but they are a tad rich for me now. I'll prolly check them out next year when i get a better job. thanks.
blah blah blah blah blah soooo.. who actually reads this?
2002-02-28 23:31:08
i know who DOESN'T... so who does? i mean i f i type in "yay! i signed up with penguinhosting an ewdays ago and i started redesigning my site and my perfect blue MV is 1/4 complete."
does anyone sit back and say "thas cool." ?
prolly not.
but i just typed it anyhow.
run me down with a steamroller, run me over with bag of lies...
2002-02-24 15:06:23
i feel like shit today. my whole body is cold but i have a fever (go figure) i can't stop coughing and i can't concentrate on anything. i'm gonna go back to sleep. listen to my "oh brother where art thou?" cd and try to cheer up. maybe frank will take me out for some soup later. mmm mmmm mmmm...
PIctures prove that i was there... so tell me why nobody cares... was i even there?
2002-02-19 15:36:02
The perfect blue MV is coming along nicely. (about 36 seconds complete) I had to smack my forehead several times and talk myself out og using any srobe effect. you see there is a repeated quick drum roll beat about 6 times in the song and though a strobe would look okay, i think it's been done to death. i really like this song, and after i let you know who it is i'll wait a month and see if anyone can remember where it's from. ^o^
as for my akon plans, i am finished with the sewing of yuna's skirt. i'm going to hobby lobby and michael's today to see i can find some way of painting on the floral pattern so that it looks like part of the fabric. I'm also practicing pretty had for my cosplay skit. btw: i'm going to attempt to reenact "the sending" also known as the funeral dance. since there is only a part of the choreography in the game, i guess i'll just have to make up the rest. sounds good to me.
oh yeah, last night i played with some watercolors again and made my first fanpic. it's Faye valentine. i still have to let it dry and ink the outline but i'll try to get it scanned up to my site soon k?
***i hope at least ONE person i voted for wins the VCA. good luck everyone!***
Machine, that video was hilarious, i looked like shit, but it was funny vid. Drunk Smurfs Rule!!! -_^
Current server time: Jan 09, 2025 10:29:56