JOURNAL: treeprincess (Sarah Ashworth)

  • New Pics Added! Woo Hoo! 2002-02-07 01:53:36 Actually, I should've said old pics finally scanned in. ^o^ though i have dusted off my art supplies and tried my hand a drawing again, i haven't completed anything new. ^o^ but here's some of my favorite old sketches from HS.

    woo freakin hoo, ne?
    the "ART" link on my main site has been updated as well. tee hee. I'm actaully getting stuff done this week. *grin grin* s'about time i got off my butt and got to work!

    And as a note to Carlos: what the hell were you thinking? That's the funniest damn picture i have seen in a long while! ^_^ hilarious, just freakin hilarious. 
  • feauture price??? 2002-02-06 21:31:36 sounds like they want you to host a few pictures and only let your immediate family know you have a site! I always thought that one goal of a website was to reach as many people as possible and to share all you have to offer. ^o^

    Guess not.

    I hope you guys can all work this out with feautureprice. You three have such great sites and we don't want to lose them. =_=  
  • okay... *huff huff*.. it is done. ^o^ 2002-02-06 05:16:05 I have updated for February and finished with my ushicon memoirs section. I only had about six good pics of cosplayers but there are some other interesting snapshots mixed in there as well.

    oh yeah, and forgot to metion earlier, but i was accepted as a volunteer for A-Kon, so i'm definately going! ^_^ Ya'll can catch me at the "Information Booth" on Friday and Sunday. what fun, i get to spend six hours pointing out the restrooms! >o< tee hee! it's free so who gives a damn. ne?  
  • that's nice boys... now get back to work. 2002-02-06 02:20:31 I started work on my site upgrade again and added a new section for cons. tee hee. Damn pushy Id, i uploaded pics and typed as fast as i could k? The new "CONS" link is on my main page and the ushicon diary is just about complete. I'm gonna go add the cosplay pics after i type this out as well. ^o^ Lots of fun pictures to add. yay!

    As for Akon, I started taking measurments and adding up costs for my Yuna (FFX) costume. And I have started practicing for my skit as well. I think it'll take about 4 months for me to get the coreography down just right, but i believe i can pull this off. I found out that a coupla friends of mine (you may know them as "Chrono" and Mike from Ushicon) are going as Tidus and Auron so we may get a group together. we just need a Kimahri, LuLu and a Rikku. cool cool cool. ^o^

    Well, check the site in an hour or so if you want to search for your mugshots. ^o^

    Frost: yeah i know you don't hate me, i was just in a bitchy mood that day. Blame Frank. ^o^ 
  • akon akon... where for art thou? 2002-02-04 00:35:05 hee hee... just 4 more months to make my yuna costume. and i'm gonna kick some ass in the cosplay skit i've prepared. i WILL finish my two entries for the amvs and i will have a rockin time. can't wait.

    well, gotta get back to bebop. ^o^ 
Current server time: Jan 10, 2025 02:31:38