JOURNAL: treeprincess (Sarah Ashworth)

  • why can't you see how you're hurting me... who cares what i think... you'll never know... 2002-01-25 01:38:40 had another gay fight with my boyfriend. blah blah blah... who cares what i write in here anyhow? he never reads it. That'd be a shocker! Frank, caring about anything remotely important to me. wow! Know what i love the best? How he can just walk away and not end it. Just leave me here and not see me for a day or two. I feel like a pet. Needed when its not too much trouble.

    ANYHOW! Fuck im!

    I volunteered to work a A-Kon today. Hell, if you can save money, why not?! Besides, i think it'd be a fun way to meet people. And if i'm going alone, oh well. more time for MeeeeEEEEeeeeeEEEeee!!! woo hoo! ^o^

    I finished all the final touches on Pero Pero as well. the eyes and tongue. He's so Kawaii!! I'll be wearing dresses on Sunday and Friday and toting Pero Pero with me as the "casual Yukino". On Saturday I'll wear Miyazawa's Uniform that I made. Yeah...

    ***gir voice: I mAdE It mYsElF!***

    last thing: I started work on my Perfect Blue Project. And all i can say is it's a suprise. -_^ 
  • here is the song without a name... It comes to heal your pain... 2002-01-23 18:44:35 I cannot believe what i downloaded today! I am actually still in shock.
    Some person made a music video that blew me away. but in a bad way.

    Okay: They used Linkin Park's "In The End" and FFX. This is ACTUALLY a wonderful combination. Let me reiterate that i despise Linkin Park. -_^ However, this song and it's message of self pity and wasted attempts completely fits the story of FFX. For, if you play the game, you will see that at the end you feel the same way. After the whole truth comes out you sit back and ask "why? why did i even bother?" great match.

    then i saw the video...

    this particular "editor" refused to do any editting. And I have serious doubts as to whether the've even played the game. The video consisted of three cut scenes run one after another and no other editting that i could see. I am sad that this wonderful idea went to so much waste. I just hope that they will give it another try and perhaps, make it something enjoyable.

    As a public notice: If you have a great idea but do not believe yourself to be capable of handling it. Please use the forums and pass them on to someone else. Or dedicate more time to the job to teach yourself how to do whatever is necessary to make it a nice MV. They aren't as easy as they look. ^o^ Thanks. 
  • doobie doobie dooooo.... love in the moonlight... 2002-01-22 20:59:05 anyway...

    I finally reviewed Harper's "alone" MV. sorry i took so long. ^o^ I also completely finished everything for Ushicon. My costume is hanging and ready. and my lil Pero Pero has become my new pillow. Speaking (typing) of sleep, i should probably get some. I keep staying up til horrendous hours of the morning just staring blankly at this screen, trying to create. Is the such a thing as "editor's block" or "artist's block"?!

    either way, i'm at a stand still. I have ideas but they're all knotted up in my head. Maybe some al-kee-hol will straighten it out ey? Well, i'm game to try anything now.

    if my site's fifteen different colors in the morning it wasn't me. It was the beer typing. -_^ 
  • zim zim zim... ^o^ 2002-01-21 09:30:06 And now for something... completely different:

    I am having a hard time nominating on these video awards. It seems that I have the perfect video/creator in mind but they are not on the list. *pout*

    For example, the "best instrumental video". well, the ONLY two good instrumental videos I've ever seen were Maboroshi's "Kare Kano: Far and Away" and canal chan's "Final Fantasy Tribute: Storm". Neither of which are on the list. Now i have to download a new one and hope for the best. ^_^

    Oh well, i'll get to do some new reviews...

    *knuckles cracking*

    better get to it...  
  • I hope everyone who loves Zim did their best to save him!!! Good Luck lil' green man! 2002-01-21 02:17:51 Well, today i finished the skirt for my Miyazawa costume and decided on the jacket, top and stockings to wear. Now i just have to make the tie and all will be well. ^o^

    maybe i'll put up a pic of my costume Before the con... maybe. -_^

    btw: please save Invader Zim! Those bastards at Nick are trying to cancel it, so once again, here is the link for the petition. 6000+ signatures already. woo hoo!  
Current server time: Jan 10, 2025 13:57:40