treeprincess (Sarah Ashworth)
heh heh heh...
2002-01-06 16:05:09
You all know Johnen Vasquez (the creator of Invader Zim and JTHM). But do you know his close friend Roman Dirge (the creator of Lenore and Taxidermy)? He's pretty damn spooky funny too. -_^ well, here's a cute little film he did at
Yeah, it's pretty funny, heh heh.
sometimes... i don't know why i bother.
2002-01-05 05:17:06
it seems like nothing i do will EVER be good enough to impress some people. This depresses me. kinda makes my entire dedication to life seem pretty pointless. I hate myself sometimes. And it's only because i fear the fate of the unaccepted. It's sad that no matter how much i want to be different and can't stand to be like everyone else, that in the end, i still want to be admired by my peers. why should i care?!?!
I dont know why. but for some reason i do.
2002-01-03 14:32:12
Just got my financial crap squared away. I'll be reattending college in the fall. I'm definately not going back to A&M though. I decided that since i won't be in the corps any longer and am changing my major to a more art oriented one, that UT is a better choice for my degree. ^_^ Now i just have to take one semester of Community college (sounds like a parole term.-_^) to get enough hours and transfer in as a sophomore. woo hoo!!!
Sorry if you all have NO IDEA what i'm ranting about. I used to be i n the Corps of Cadets at A&M but after the bonfire collapse and a bunch of other bull I've decided to leave. And, honestly, i've never been happier since i decide to start thinking for myself.
it starts...
2002-01-02 23:45:16
Well i hope the viewer's choice awards start off without a hitch. I like the categories. It gives a wide variety of creators a chance to place. ^_^ It's nice to see that other people can enjoy videos for their depth and meaning beyond the action and special effects. Kinda makes me proud to be a member of this community. Gives me hope that I am trully among my peers. Thank you to all of you who have been so nice and helpful to me this year. You know who you are. -_^ Without your support I would have quit at this a long time ago and never even considered changing my major to Computer Graphics/Design. Thanks!
well.... that was pretty sappy, eh? Everyone else enjoy your new year as much as i know i will!
Last of a great series.
2001-12-31 17:30:34
I beat FFX last night... and then i couldn't sleep for hours. I'm so disturbed. I know it's just a game. My boyfriend liked the ending but me, *shrug* The story for this FF installment is so moving and the fact that our characters speak through the entire game means that you become much more atached to them. Infact, anyone interested in the purchase should definatley make it worth tyheir while. This game rocks. The animation is so good that at some points, i couldn't even tell where the game play ends and the cut scene began. and that, as they say, is that. -_^
On another tangent, I got Perfect Blue on DVD for Christmas and guess what? While watching the film for the third time and paying attention i think i realized something.
Mima doesn't exist. She is a figment of her own imagination. Her psychotic disorder. There are several references to a "Yoko" who thinks she is an ex-pop idol becoming an actress and that the drama series is Yoko's real life and she's trying to turn it into a series in her mind to save herself. weird eh? notice at the end that whenever bad things happen, no one knows who she is. "who's that girl?" and of course the famous line "Illusion cannot become reality, can it?"
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