treeprincess (Sarah Ashworth)
i'm still alive ...
2001-12-29 00:45:52
Just recovering from the holidays and a horrible cold. I've come so near to assaulting so many customers in the past few days, i am even shocked myself. One lady even had the nerve to cuss and me and call me a "F*%ing idiot" Yeah, just cause i was follwing the rules of after x-mas returns. When she threw her Penney's card at me, i swear i had to contain myself and not lunge over the counter and attack her. Some people are just bitches. to the bone. it can't be fixed. *sigh* i'm just glad it's all over now and i'm off this weekend.
well, for good news, i got everything i need for ushicon now. I registred and bought the material i need for my Yui Ikari Costume. ^_^ Also, I'm gonna use my Best Buy Gift Cards to get myself a well-deserved new monitor. My boyfriend even got me a nice, new desk to keep everything on and a new harddrive. Now, i remember why i love him. -_^ Everyone have a fun holiday and enjoy the break while it lasts!
A Little Holiday Humor:
2001-12-22 14:41:46
Christmas was just around the corner, and a father was a bit
upset with his son, who would always say, "damn." Especially
troubling was his letter to Santa, which read: "I want a damn
bike and a damn train set right under the damn tree, damn it!
Love, Sam." So the father decided that instead of presents,
he would leave piles of dog poop under the tree for the boy.
On Christmas morning, the father got up to see his son sitting
in the living room. "What did Santa get you, son?," the father
asked, with a malicious grin spreading across his face.
"A damn dog, I guess, but I can't find the damn thing."
^_^ Happy Holidays!
okay... here goes...
2001-12-20 03:41:18
Lord of the Rings: Loved it. If you read the book, you will absolutely adore this film. It's a bout 3 hours long which, of course, means that they didn't remove much from the book. In fact, the only thing i saw missing was a lot of the foreshadowing. The special effects kicked @$$ and the story was wonderful, well it IS a great book. the acting is spectacular and i was suprised at how many familiar faces there were. (The Elf lord is the same guy who played a sentinal in The Matrix. Everytime i saw him i just heard, "Mr. Andeson.")
FFX: This installment of Final Fantasy rocks! The graphics are simply... wow! and the story is rivetting. i think thtis is perhaps the most shocking and violent FF yet. I actually HATE my enemy and I've only played about 4 hours of the story. I only have one thing w/ this game that bugs me, the dubbing. They didn't try to match up the syllables so the translations are good, however, the voices themselves are lacking. Yuna sounds like a frail little waif, not a skilled summoner. And Titus just gets annoying. He's a total ditz and idiot. And this is my hero? Still, some of the other characters are already growing on me. Like Lulu and Auron. They're pretty intriguing.
Well, enjoy the rest of you! These two are definately worth the cash and a great way to kill time over the break!
just about to head out the door...
2001-12-19 11:22:50
gonna go see lord of the rings today. not to mention getting a good start on beating FFX before Xmas! ^o^
Just wanted to say that I've finally gotten a pretty good knack of this banner creation business. -_^ Just uploaded two i created with Lum-chan. She seems to be lacking from the winning banners and i think Lum deserves a position with the great icons of anime. So i simply offer two of the cutest pics of her i could locate. Enjoy!
well, gotta go! ^_^
blah blah blah... i should be asleep five hours ago...
2001-12-17 06:17:59
Really looking forward to wednesday (the 19th). I have soooooooo much planned. Gonna see Lord of the Rings, get FFX and play it, visit some old friends in Austin and re-tile my mom's kitchen for X-mas. Phew!
Guess i'd better get off of the computer and get to work... er.. i mean sleep.
Just a thought: wouldn't it be cool to have an exercise machine with a table (e.g. a bike with a table top instead of handle bars)? Then you could be on the computer or even play your PS2 while you exercise. I know i could easily kill hours if i had someway to do these two things at once. and i could play Dave Mirra's BMX and kill myself trying to keep up with the game. -_^ hmmmmm...
well... i'll sleep on it. ^o^ KUP-Yawn-O!
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