JOURNAL: treeprincess (Sarah Ashworth)

  • ever know what it's like when someone else can see into your soul? 2002-03-25 12:12:59 no? i hope you learn someday. because it can be the most wonderful feeling you'll ever know.

    yes? i am happy for you, and with you. go where it leads because you only get one chance in life to be happy. 
  • living in a bubble you never get hurt, but you never get to heal either. 2002-03-24 16:44:18 In the end, we all need pain in our life. anyone who can honestly say they've never questioned their own value in this world has never suffered in any way. and i pity them for their numb utopian lives.

    Id: just call me. 
  • ***insert clever title here*** 2002-03-23 18:47:26 ***insert heart wrenching song lyrics here***

    ***insert deep insight into my shattered mind***

    ***insert comment to friend's journal***

    ***insert hope for happiness***

    ***insert life*** 
  • how can you be so cold? 2002-03-22 20:27:35 i am trying to pour my heart out to you but since you can't hear what you want you won't even listen to the rest. I don't want to hurt you but you're killing me. can't you feel it, can't you hear? I AM SORRY. and you're never going to let me forget how i hurt you, and you're never going to let me live it down. you ask if i care about you, and i do. but why can't i just love you as you are and care that you stay alive. you have no idea how happy it made me that you called. no fucking idea. and you'll never know because if i told you, you wouldn't believe me.

  • i just killed two birds with a stone i never meant to throw. 2002-03-22 17:16:57 i hate this. i hate everything. but most of all, i hate myself for hurting the only people who'll ever love me.

    fuck honesty and all the lies she breeds. we think we're being true to ourselves but we're only lying to the ones who matter most. why can't i just keep my damn mouth shut?

    keep it all locked within
    give her a warm place to hide
    a pillow of lies, a blanket of guilt
    and she'll eat your heart from inside. 
Current server time: Mar 06, 2025 21:14:34