lionheartevil (Pablo Leon)
love/hate snow
2003-02-26 21:02:41
I really hate snow's not fun to clean the driveway 3 times a week....
However, I had an early dismissal today (yeah!) and I got a ride with this girl in my art class......the car got stuck with all the snow....we were alone........AND I DIDNT DO SHIT!! was this wrong?! i told my friend and he's like "you are gay, didnt do shit".....why is it that most men always think that girls are just for sex or as a love not gay, at least i think im not, and some of my best friends are that wrong? does that make me gay? is this that shit i smoked talking?
godamn censors....
2003-02-25 22:49:32
...Never thought i would find my favorite anime of all time, Evangelion (Eva) in Toonami. Despite he fact that it was announced it would be commercial-free, it wasnt...just plain simple, it wasnt......
Now then, to the censors.....while i dont really care for Nadesco, I thought it was way too censored, despite the fact that it's not nearly as adult as Eva.....but come on, it was said it would be un-censored. I didnt really believe it, but i didnt stop believing either....
The first episode had some stuff that wasnt for censoring..."an arrow pointing at Misato's breast erased.." come on, kids will look at live, uncensored tits some day, why bother with that one..
another thing that bothered me was when 01 ripped the angel's arm was cut, what the hell, that was like one of the best moments of the battle.....and also the blood.....they completely took all the blood away.
Why? they leave blood marks and at least some blood in DBZ, why not here? be really honest, i never want to see Eva on TV, is just not the same with the censors......besides, what would they do when Shinji falls on Rei's breast?....hummmmm..............
RANTING!!!.......or something like that.....
2003-02-24 19:41:50
.....I wasnt quite sure if i could write my ideas here....but seeing so many different journals here, i decided..."what the hell..."
First, Im sick of all this war talk thing, in the news they said, "how to prepare your kids for the up-coming war"....which, in my opinion, wont happen...anyway, I feel that kids today are too stupid, or weak-minded, which ever you please.
My country's been at war for 36 years, yet, nobody really cares how kids feel about might think we are "stone-age" country, yet, the US, I wont say americans, we all, as the whole continent, are americans, (but I would leave that for another time) think that you can control everything, and feel good for yourselves, calling yourself heroes after having all those deaths on you....Im not siding with anyone, hell, as i said before, i dont think shit will happen.
Anyway, kids today have to be explained what war is, how to react about it, how to think about it, heh, even how to poop about it....( I know, not funny).
Parents are now over-protective, and teach the kids in a way that "Mr. soldier", the "hero", will save the world from the "bad people" guess is, somewhere on the other side of the world is a man telling his kid, "Mr. American soldier, the bad man, wont do us any harm as long as out Hero is with us"......ummm.....riiiiight.
It may sound like Im accusing the US, but it's more like criticizing this present government, who thinks that going to war is a must, but yet, you dont think about all the money that you'll lose, and the lives of all those in the battlefield, that just naming them "heroes of war" wont bring them back.
If you actually read all this, and agree or not, well, not my prob, it is my opinion, but if you think that you can prove me wrong of all this, CrushinLionHeart is my AIM, im usually on at 8 PM and on, Eastern time, or just to send hate mail,
2003-02-23 21:20:22 classes start tomrrow again, and I forgot my schedule...what a loser!
Success? Is that how you spell that?
2003-02-23 21:18:39
....finally, i just finished my's a poster for Montgomery County, Md, but my due date is over-due, thanks to the storm.....wonder what my teacher's gonna say......i dont think he's gonna like it.....but then again, since when have i cared about other people's thoughts....
Current server time: Mar 06, 2025 21:15:05