LukeRosado (Luke Rosado)
First Entry
2004-08-16 11:24:57
Hello everyone. I am Luke Rosado, founder of Rosado Music Videos, and creator of music videos for over two years. This is the very start of my journal, so I decided that I should give you some insight into my lifestyle and such before we get into the hard details.
First, the basics. My name is Luke Rosado. I am sixteen years old, and a resident of (not so) good old Miami, FL, USA. I am 5' 11" tall, brown eyes, straight brown hair, and I'm a little chubby. Then again, not many anime fans aren't. I enjoy bike riding, rollerblading, playing video games, singing (going onto American Idol on season five. one more year!), watching anime, and just hanging out with my friends. I am a Christian (saved July 7th, 2004), and I am currently trying to get rid of some old habits.
Now, as to why I create AMVs, I have no clue. I saw my first one at MegaCon 2002, and I was immensely impressed. I went home afterwards, and began fooling around with my Windows Movie Maker (which I use for all my AMVs. I just can't afford Adobe. so if anyone would give me it for free, I will worship you). Eventually, I came up with my first ever AMV, using Final Fantasy VIII and putting it to the song 'Wind Beneath My Wings'. Came out okay. Since then, I have been hooked. I eventually started up my own production company (RMV: Rosado Music Videos), and I have done projects for some pretty big names. I am not allowed to disclose them though, as to the privacy agreements I have signed -_-;;; .
I have to warn you now. This journal might be a little harsh. When I am depressed, I can get very violent in my journal entries, and I have been discontinued many times for it. So forgive me, AMV staff. Also, when I write, I tend not to leave many details out. And as I have a girlfriend....well, you can guess. It's not all gonna be lubby-dubby stuff.
Hmm...well I guess that's about it. Oh! And if you have sone songs you'd be willing to donate, please let me know. I have two e-mail addresses. and . I check both, so no need to worry about anything like me not getting your message. Heh. Well, that's it. No more. Take care, and have a great day. And be sure to check out my two videos up right now: Immortal Vash and Surrounded By Darkness. Ja ne!
Dude....I said ja ne. Nothing else is here.
Why are you still reading? Do you not have a life?
Helloooooo....It's over already! Go, move on with your life...there is no more.
Ok, now you're ticking me off.
I SAID STOP YOU M*****F*****! Why the f*** can't you f****** understand it, you f****** b****?!?!
Current server time: Jan 14, 2025 07:34:34