JOURNAL: XenoDrake (Xeno Drake)

  • o.O 2002-09-06 21:49:59 how odd, it was all in the text box....

    Outside.... A wind picks up and sighs softly down the way, causing the trees to cast moving shadows as if the darkness were coming to life. Moonlight, full and bright, cast its paleness over all, as a figure emerges from the edge of the woods, her footsteps no more than mere whispers of night.

    their is the whole thing ^_^;

  • Outside.... A wind picks up and sighs softly down the way, causing the trees to cast moving shadows as if the darkness were coming to life. Moonlight, full and bright, cast its paleness over all, as a figure emerges from the edge of the woods, her footste 2002-09-06 21:47:16 Well now that I have the DSL back and the time to do so I can be a bit more active around the site, reviewing videos and what not. I have put video production on hold so I can get some things done, like SWPs new site and a web novel in the works. The title on this entry is the first two sentences on the book that is being made using the chat logs from myself and LadyDX's online Roll Playing. I’m gathering test readers to see if its worth it to make a weekly web novel, or just make it all at once and publish it that way. meh’ we well see. That’s about all for now ^_~


    *does happy dance*
    im so happy

    im back into the swing of things!! ill start reviewing the videos i have seen lately and spam the forums a bit more ^_^ˆ-ˆ

    catch me on AIM if ya want my videos, since Devos FTP is under the weather and he is looking for better hosting, that is the only way to get my videos now.

    catch ya on AIM ^_~ (SN "XenoDrake1st")

  • Shadow World Productions Personel Manager 2002-08-04 00:58:51 Yup, Thats me. The new Personel manager at our shady little studio. how did all this come to pass you say? is seems that shadow is getting a bit over worked what with three new members and all, so now im acting as his link to the members. all questions, comments, sugestions, complants come to me. ^_^ but thats not why im making this entry today. since See Ifno has been out of the loop for the past couple of days, the Ryoko shrine i had in the works has been put on the back burnner and i am now in the prosses of motavating the other members of SWP to get more active. for example, our newest member, "Fightas X Cross" since she is not a AMV creator, but an artist, she will be our art and site layout/designer, and the writer for an up and comming BiWeekly news letter. we will post a link to it in the forums twice a week. also, we at SWP are hard at work on our first proudction release, and we are all exsited to be a part of it. so keep an eye out. till next time

  • ^_^ 2002-07-27 01:01:23 Its hosted, thank you Devo ^_~

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