JOURNAL: sasuke2468 (Sean Rehbein)

  • O.O 2006-04-22 20:05:04 two opinions good opinions, and 54 hits on my new vid ^_^ i'm happy XD good day so far but man i went to my friend's sweet 16 last nite >.< big mistake.... they had ppl gettin high and ma happened to stay to watch... no i didnt' smoke nuthin... XD  
  • After almost a year 2006-04-21 21:34:38 I FINALLY GOT A NEW VID UP!!! WOOT!!!!

    plz check it out any1 that reads this ^_^ and opinions are greatly appreciated... if u don't hav the time for one a quick comment is nice too ^^ ty all for your time 
  • 3 moths l8er.... 2006-03-23 19:43:38 it came..... i had to say it.... it came! my computer omg i'm so happy!!!! its so fast and kickass! the processor is a pentium that runs at 3.0 Ghz and the DDR ram... i got 2 gigs of it! omg omg and the main hardrive! 10,000 rpm raptor hardivre with 70Gb and a backup hardrive at 250 GB wheeee me so happy, it runs so fast and smooth!!!! now i can make amv's without the extrmeme lag making kewl effects and such basically impossible, i'm working on a few right now, not telling u anything more then one has to do with gaara, and the song happy by mudvayne and a neiji vid cuz i kno there's almost nun and not many good let along great to him. Nieji really deserves a GREAT amv. Cuz just bout every1 else has one XD 
  • ok, i am getting a new comp! >.< yay 2005-12-05 00:07:25 i started to git good programs and all (instead of WMM) and like i upgraded and everythin on my laptop.... sumthin internal broke and toshiba says i need to git a new comp... sumthin bout my laptop being beyond repair.... XD so now i'm getting even better DESKTOP and will hav more time >.< so i'll be starting up a new studio called the village hidden in the flames, and my vids shall be so much better (no subs, better effects, everything! And i've gotten sum practice... alot of practice with image editing and am pretty good now so amvs will be better ^_^ keep an eye out for me! also

    LMFAO - really funny :) awesome! but crop the subs: this should help :)

    Thanx for the quickie whoever this was ^_^ 
  • srry it been a while since i posted a journal... lots of info u might like about the anime expo! and me lol ^_^ 2005-07-07 20:43:22 yea skewl out yay good vids and ops best one is naruto starwars in less than thirty seconds.... hilariouse! woot! ..... buncha girls like me... i don't kno which to pick! waaaa!!! its a pain cuz wen i am w/them i want to be with them but like i don't want to hurt any of the others feelings and sum how they all found out i kinda like them and like yea.... sux! >.< ihatecoke101 is my sn on aim and uchihasasuke2468 is my yim if any1 wants to chat bout anything ^-^ it'd b fun! yay also umm.... im working on a vid... that'll be the first to the song here.... GAURDED by disturbed! >_< im sooo amped! its comming out great! u guys will lUV it! plz no 1 beat me to being first it should be dun and up in like ummm the end of this week! ^_^ im so excited! i hope every1 loves it!!!!! also i went to the anime expo 2005 and found some awsome stuff!!!! DEVIL MAY CRY 3 THE MANGA IS COMMING OUT!!!! ALONG WITH A KINGDOM HEARTS MANGA!!!!!!!! im so amped >.< lol any other q's bout the expo jus ask me on my aim and yim and all i kno will be given to ur braiiin! lol ^_^ srry i kno that was wierd ^_~ u kno u liked it tho lol.  
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