JOURNAL: fluffnight (Teh Fluff)

  • Banners 2007-08-26 03:47:43 Okay, I'm going to try and keep this journal alive!

    Well, I've just submitted two new banners to with the new sakura-like logo. At the moment, one's pending vote, and the other's pending approval.

    As I'm anticipating the approval of the other one, I realized that one word is written like it's on a it's kind of cut I'm not sure if they'll include that as a spelling mistake...
    I kinda wish I'd kept a copy with all the layers so it'd be easier to fix. But I kinda..touchted it up a little anyway, just incase I have to resubmit it.

    Nonetheless, if anyone (which is no one) reads this, wish me luck with my banners.
    As you can see from a link on my profile, I've only had 1 banner deamed worthy. I just counted all the banners I've submitted to (excluding the ones that've been rejected, just the ones that've made it to voting stage) and that's 1/29 or something that's worthy.

    Now that I think about it, I wish I'da tried a little harder in my past years. So that I could have at least one banner using each of the AMV logos I've been a member to see..or something. Not sure how to phrase it..hope it made sense. 
  • Guess who's back? (Back again) 2007-08-22 01:46:09 Yeah, I'm back.

    I've downloaded some of the 2007 VCA winners and runner ups.

    I'm kind of trying to get back into downloading AMVs, especially since I got back from AE, where I was a volunteer during most of the AMV contest, and AMV contest all entries shown.

    I've also told myself that I'll make an AMV...
    One of these days, that promise'll come true.

    I hope to get at least another banner accepted...
  • Where have I been? T_T 2005-10-07 23:01:15 Okay, I to confess, I've kinda been avoiding since my computer only has so much memory, and whenever I come here, I turn into a download maniac. Nonetheless, since the teachers are on strike, I had nothing to do (was sick as well), so I just gave into my amv craving.

    For those of you who care...I've been doing good, but need more sleep. I think I caught the cold or whatnot from one of the many dying people in school. But other than that, I feel fresh as a flower. *falls dead on ground*

    Also for those who care, I've decided to use Deviantart. Yes, after like two/three years of acturally OWNING an account, I've finally decided to use it. Now I think I can the site. ^^;;

    Well, for anyone who doesn't want to read anymore, I'll stop now. (Plus I have nothing else to say.) Anyways...bye. *waves, then dies again* 
  • Anime Con Takes It's Toll 2005-08-21 13:18:01 Well, I went to Anime Evolution this weekend (Fri, Sat, Sun). Boy, was it fun! (Of corse, I still have one day left.) Met new friends, got autographs (for my beautiful collection), watched AMVs 'till I went crazy, and kept on walking 'till my feet deceided to die. Nonetheless, it was loads of fun. (<-- acturally, maybe it would make more sense to write this tomorrow, or whatnot.)

    Well, next weekend, I have to play my chinese harp in the mall or something...Originally, I thought I could also going to a BBQ that my temple was having, except when I went to my chinese harp teacher, she told me "Sorry, I already submitted your name for the program writing" so now I have to go. Bad thing? I guess not...I mean I can still make it to the BBQ...but timing? Horrible. Take a look!
    BBQ: 1-5pm
    Perfomance: 2-3pm

    On better news...(damn, forgot it for a sec...hang on....)....ah..yes. Since my computer has been finally fixed, I think I can start trying to make AMVs now! XD Bad thing is that I'm too lazy to learn/download new programs...maybe in a month or two. X3 Well, that's all for 
  • The summer has arrived! 2005-06-28 03:00:29 Heh heh, like most of my other entries, the first thing I am going to say is sorry for not adding anything new in like....a while (This time, 'a while' means 3 months! x.X;;; )

    Okay, obviously, the second thing I am about to say is..... SCHOOL'S OUT, and the summer is mine to hold in my hand and grasp with my palm. (If that made some, if any, sense to you.) So, now that I don't have something to go to in the morning everyday, I can now spend more time rotting my brain watching TV and talkin' on the comp wheather it be in forums, updating online journals, or just playing around. (I should really get out much... -_-;; ) But of corse, I still have a FEW summer activities..including my piano pratical exam! T_T

    ...well, this isn't really important, but my new character is called Poke-zilla...since well, I currently luff to poke people for some odd reason (both in real life and online). So, if you see anyone saying, " *poke* " then you'll know it's me....or is it? Dun dun dun dun! *dramatic music*

    Dudes, I read the 1st issue from, and it was totally awesome! I so wanna help out on some way, so well. I told them! >w< Go get 'em, AMV News!

    *sigh* this is off topic, and pretty random (then again, so is everything else here). But I feel like super down because I can't make any AMVs, I currently cannot watch any AMVs (due to my screwed up computer), and I can't even make a banner good enough to be put on the site. And man, have I tired hard! I mean, I make things all the time on my computer....but phrases, and matching other people's PSP (paint shop pro) & PS (photo shop) abilties is like REALLY hard.
    Message to anybody who has a banner up: If you have comments and/or help tips on how I could get my banners lookin' better, feel free to...e-mail me or something.

    Well, that's all for now. I'll try and update more frequently now. 
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