JOURNAL: fluffnight (Teh Fluff)

  • Christmas is almost here! 2004-12-07 01:28:59 Well, I'm not sure about you, but I just can't wait for one of my favourite holidays of every year. And yup, you guessed it! It's Christmas! I just love the season, the giving and all the warm faces! On top of that, we get at least two weeks of school off! The songs, the joy, the presents, and best of all SANTA! Lol.

    Anyways, I'm so glad, cuz I'm sure that I'm probably gonna get good grades this year compared to last year. *grumbles*

    Let's see...anything else....OH YEA! I have two ideas for two AMVs, but I need to buy two CD's and one DVD. Too bad I'ze gotta spend money (yes, I'm pritty cheap.....considerin my last few year's Xmas presents... >.<) Well, hope you had fun reading this, bye! *waves* That's all for now!
  • So Long. 2004-11-14 12:45:32 Man! Has it been a while! Anyways, school's been great, not much friend problems OR family "issues". Everything's going smoothly. However between the last entry and this entry, I have made a few new friends. (Actrally, I knew about them before, but we weren't exactly "friends") I've patched things up with some of my old friends, and have SO much fun laughing together with my friends in Pathfinders. XD

    Well, I'm going camping again next weekend! It's gonna be SO DAMN exciting. You know why?! Because it's 'Break-the-rules' camp. We get to bring junk food, boom boxes (if it can fit in the car) and a heck of a lot of other stuff! The gals and I are SO having a drinking and burping contest (Sorry if that sounds gross). No, it ain't beer, it's either pop or water.

    Anyways, have to go. 
  • Friend issues again! >.< 2004-10-24 01:49:48 Well, I had problems with my friends at an after school activity again! Come to think of it, they didn't really act like friends to begin with. But I'll keep it at that (since I'm tired of explaing it over and over again, let alone type it.)
    Well, I have to study for a french test on Mon, and tomorrow, I have to go to a much to do! (Actrually, it's not that much...)
    *sigh* SO BORED.....WATCHING AMV'S!!! Well, that's all for now. 
  • Not much to do. 2004-10-06 11:43:17 Well, it's been a while since I've typed something into this Journal....not much to talk about I guess..... I'd say it was just the usual, schools good, everything's fine, everyone's happy, and we all turn to television for answers. Come to think of it, nothing that excit.....wait.....scratch that, I just remembered something!

    Last weekend: I went camping with my friends. We went star gazing, made crafts, but didn't get much work done. We many READ MANGA! Lol. Man, did our supervisors get pissed. But at least I got a whole weekend away from any guy (no offense). But we really did have fun. Now I totally LOVE Ranma 1/2, Full Metal Panic, and I alredy liked Naruto!

    Well, I guess you could say that at least "one" interesting thing happened to me....other than the usual everyday happenings of scaring away everyone I talk to. Seems that everyone runs away from my laughing! *insert evil laugh here* It also seems that not many people appriciate originality, not isn't that a bad thing? Oh well, I'm just glad that I have a few friends that are different than the rest, and I'm also glad that there are people on the web that are so nice.
    *sigh* Too bad I'm at the age where everything I do is judged by the peeps around me...I'm just glad that I have friends.....I think? *sniff sniff* (gets diched to much by "friends" that she ain't so sure anymore)

    Well, I guess I'd had better get back to class. Already used up most of my time...(actrally only 10 min, but hey, who cares?!)....then again, I've already finished everything, and I don't think that I have to study for the test, I use that program at home all the time....especially when my parents need to call me over to help them (seems like most parents ain't that good at eletronics anymore! Lol....again, no offence.) 
  • Hee hee hee! *giggle* (Can't stop laughing) 2004-09-20 23:29:35 Okay, okay. So you might be wondering why I can't stop laughing *snicker*.....or maybe you're not thinking that, but just reading this because you ain't got nothing else to do.....anyways, I'll just spit it out anyways! *snickers for a while* Well, I know it sounds kind of stupid, but DANG did I have fun at school, and over the weekend. Okay, here's the beef:
    *bursts out laughing*

    Okay, over the past week, and the weekend, I've started to like Shaman King a little more. (I've know about it for a while, but never really "loved" it, but I did like it.) Well, before, I found Haru Haru quite hot. (Not sure how to spell his name.....) But now I find him AND Ren hot. (But I'm liking Ren more and more now...) Anyways, I went searching for pictures, and found this site with so much fan art for it, and I just couldn't stop giggling while looking at the pictures (I usually laugh when I get excited! >w<) I took like about 10 pictures, and mixed them together to make one big picture, then I took another 10 and make a wallpaper! LOVE IT! MUAHAHAHAHA!

    Well, I had fun at school, because....actrally, I didn't "REALLY" have "fun" at school, I just had a good day. I guess getting a book order and finding an Anime Magazine in there was making me happy.....the magazine was SJ. *giggle giggle* Anyways, I also had fun because after school, I decided to walk home with my friends, even though they go south from school, while my house is north...but I took a short cut that I sued to take from my old school, but now has a bear sighting poaster! Anyways, I liked walking home with my friends, so cool!And to think that one of those friends is a guy. (He's like the only guy who isn't scared of me! >.<)

    Well, DBZ is comming on right now, and wanna watch it. Too bad most of the peeps at school think that Anime are Cartoons...that reminds me. On of my friends, I really hate it whenever she makes comments that arn't really suitable for....let's just say that If she ain't got nothing good to say, then why say anything at all!!!!!! 
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