2004-10-04 10:54:16
In Congress, I was tied with another person for 2nd place. We took a majority vote, and I lost the vote, so I ended up getting 3rd place. This was the first tournament I ever won anything in, so when the called my name for third place, since it was my first time winning anything, I think I looked a little stupid when going to him to receive my award.
Now I'm going to go up to Senate, where all the really good people are. Everyone in Senate had won either 1st, 2nd or 3rd place in House.
I was doing homework all day yesterday. I even looked at the time to see how long it would take me, and guess how long. 5 hours, and maybe more. I did some 1 hr. from 10:00 to 11:00 AM, then I had to go out to eat lunch with my grandmother. Then, from 2:40 to 7:30? Not counting the time to eat dinner and other stuff.
Geometry was long. I had 4 lessons worth of homework. Why did the teacher have to teach so fast? We do about 2-4 lessons per class, but then again, my school has a block schedule, where classes are every other day, so we have classes twice as long than a regular class in another school. About 1 hr. and 30-35 minutes.
Next tournament, I'm going to do expository. My school only signed up for Congress and IE, so I can't attend other things like the Red Robin Controversy. I don't even know what that is. I think it's a debate. I don't know why my school isn't signed up for it, but that's the way it is.
2004-10-02 01:35:40
It's 10:33 PM right now. I'm going to go to Congress tomorrow morning. I really wonder whether kids outside of my state have the same bills and legislations as I do. I would like to know.
I editted my russian plutonium speech just now and researched on minimum wage by going to a website full of questions that are good for cross-ex. I don't think I'm going to win. Everytime I go to Congress, I just blank out. Everything seems as though it's a dream. I think that's the thing that kills me. I can't really think while I answer back their questions. This time, I don't think that I should be that nervous and just have fun arguing with people.
2004-09-30 14:59:57
During Hebrew and Christian Scriptures, the teacher assigned three different worksheets. We had to go down to the office to get them. We only had to get one of the worksheets by random in an envelope.
So we were in groups today, and my group was talking about what each name meant in the House of Jacob. Some people had very long definitions, but two other people and I told them that there were footnotes that had more concise meanings. Then, that same who described her fingers as "manly" came up to me and said, "Where does it say?" I showed her where the footnotes were, and she told me, "Okay. Don't say those meanings if I don't have it." I was thinking: what the hell? It's not my fault that you didn't read the footnotes. I'm not going to listen to what the hell you say. Of course, I didn't actually say that, but instead stated that even if she didn't have the concise meaning, her definition is still right; it's just longer. She didn't listen to what I told her, or I don't think she heard me. Besides, her breath did not smell good either.
For some reason, the s in my school, well some of them, like to where little kid backpacks. You see two pocket backpacks (only 2 pockets) with a Disney Character or something like that. Then you see some s with Batman or Superman backpacks. I don't understand why they buy this stuff. They're in high school, and they wear a backpack meant for 1st grade. Those backpacks only have 2 pockets because 1st graders don't have as much homework as high school kids. This student body in my school is going crazy.
I think they like carrying little kid backpacks because they want to look cute. I don't think they do. I think they look a bit strange. You know how s love the sight of little kids and say sweetly how cute they look. Maybe with the backpack, they are trying to make others look at them as if they were an kid who does not know right from wrong yet. I'll never now. Once again, a situation that I don't have a sturdy answer to; men are from Mars, women are from Venus.
I think during the last religion class, I fell asleep. I don't mean one of those sleeps where you close your eyes and try. I mean I really did fall asleep, and lucky for me that the teacher didn't find out. The only thing that woke me up was her voice. When you drift off to sleep during class, where the teacher's voices never stop talking, then all you hear before you fall into an unconscious state is like a sound that you hear when you see one of Charles Schulz videos; where the teacher or cashier goes: Blah blah blah. Except that as you fall asleep, your ears start to focus on only that voice and the rest of the noises are gone. Since the concentration on that one voice is strong, it starts to seem as if it echoes. I fell asleep during Self Defense. Yeah, you're wondering, aren't you doing stretches and kicks? How can you fall asleep? Well, I did, while watching a video that the teacher showed us about the stereotypes of women and how it relates to . I almost started to dream until the teacher told everyone to keep their head up.
When you fall asleep, you will not go into deep sleep until about 6 hours later. Then, you start to dream for about 1 or 2 hours, and then slip to non-deep sleep, and then wake up. So never mistaken that. Although, I cannot explain how I was about to dream while watching the video. I think my brain might just still be too active, regardless that my eyes were tired, and I felt sleepy.
So why are dreams short when you have about 1-2 hours of sleep? Maybe because it just takes time to slip from unconsciousness to deep sleep. That time may compensate for most of the time spent on dreams. It also depends on the person as well. Everyone is different. And you dream every night. Even if you don't remember it in the morning, you dream every night.
What about when you slip from dream, then emptiness, then to another very different dream? I don't know. It may be pauses between the dream state that the mind has. I don't know if all of my answers are correct, but that's what I think.
2004-09-30 10:54:08
Yesterday was a very busy day. Only 2 more days til Congress. I finished 4 speeches already and had to do all of them at night. Junior year is a year with a lot of homework. I don't even know if I'm going to go to the next Congress.
I went to piano practice with Kevin, and the guy who always sings is not in the same room as before. Now, he's in a different room. I wonder why....(note: sarcasm) Anyways, today I'll have to be in the Anime Club, introduce the new people there...aka Freshman...and then get the hell out of there and run all the way to speech meeting or else the teacher might get mad. We're going to go through a whole run-through of Congress. We're going to talk as if we were really there.
I have to go to History class right now. That class is so boring.
2004-09-28 16:02:52
I have Congress practice after school today. The teacher promises to bring food with her so we could eat. I hope she didn't forget.
The science club is going to have a field trip, and having my school mostly consisting of s, I don't think that I would socialize much in that trip. I was wondering if I could bring an outsider to come. brother?
My brother and I are as close as you can get in terms of friendship. I probably know more about him than my parents and my sister combined. My mom gets mad that I hang out in his room too often because since I finish homework faster, I end up making him sidetrack and not do his homework. But just to sum up everything, we spend a lot of time just making jokes, laughing at funny people that may eye us sometimes, and...mainly, we just always laugh. The last time we laughed was when I was telling him a story about some stupid retarded crab that died of boredom. That story came about when we were at a chinese restaurant. You know how they keep tanks full of crab and fish? And how the people get the crab and fish with a net. Well, there was a net just sitting inside the tank, and there was a stupid crab that crawled straight into the net. It's like it's not even trying to live. So that's the motivation of the whole crazy story.
Last night, I did my speech on Russian plutonium and uranium. I sided affirmative to that bill, but I'm not going to say why in this journal entry because it would take too long.
I still need to make 3 more speeches. The teacher said that the next Congress, I would be able to P.O., which means that I am the Presiding Officer: the one with the gabble and tells who can ask cross-ex questions when and who can come up to say speeches. In House, the PO can participate in debating, but when you are in Senate, you cannot. But you get to win a gabble in either status.
I wish my brother would come to the same high school with me. Then, we would be able to do a Dramatic Interp. Duo. that I think about it, I wouldn't want to do that with him for two reasons, or maybe three. One, I don't like group work, probably because I had bad experiences in the past. Second, I would probably end up fighting with him if we don't make it to finals.
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