2004-09-28 10:53:27
I have Hebrew and Christian Scriptures next.
Last night, I woke up, and I heard a strange noise coming down the hall, like music. At 5 AM? So I head back to my bed because I figured that it was my older sister staying up early for homework. I thought that I wouldn't be able to hear the music all the way back in my room, but I could still hear it, so I head down the hall, and found that my sister wasn't up doing homework at all. She was in her bed listening to music! At 5 AM!! So I told her to just turn the thing off and went back to bed. I had to wake up at 6:40? 6:30? I forgot cause I was so sleep deprived!
2004-09-27 14:11:27
I don't like this day. I wish the day would never come. I think I even want to forget that today is September 27.
I'm going to go to practice piano today after school. Of course, I have to organize in my mind how to fit all the homework together. Probably go home to do AP Lit. then I think that's it. It won't take me that long. If I still have time before my mom drives my brother and me to practice, then I'll do some spanish. I still don't know what my H chem. homework will be so it will depend. Probably we're going to do the lab on...whatever the topic was.
Just a last year did I find out that I always organized when I would do my homework. I guess I have to if you need to find time to just relax.
I still have my Veteran's Speech due in a few weeks and need to make 4 speeches for Congress this Saturday.
There are some crazy things that happen in Congress. One time, there was the topic for food taxation going up 1%, and I started my speech with "A mother and four children (yeah, trying to be very dramatic with this number of kids) go into a grocery store to buy food, but they can't because of a 1% increase in food taxes." It went something like that, and I know that people say 1% is not that much, but it is when you add it to the total amount of money you pay in a grocery store. The judge there in round one, just kept staring at me, red faced, looks as if he's constipating at the spot, and I thought that I did something wrong, but just kept continuing to talk. Finally, the teacher was telling our team what ranking we got in each round. She told me that I was named 1st place in round one, which was very miraculous. I thought why he would name me that place, since it was my first Congress, then I thought, wait a minute. A mother and four children....he must be the mother with all those children who needs financial help!
In Spanish class, the teacher is making us sing one line in spanish. She has a cd and a woman is singing it. So that's just great. I have to sing a line in that song that's a woman. Speaking of singing, everytime my brother and I go off to practice piano, we always see a guy who is oprah singing, and everytime we pass by his room with a playing the song he was singing, he would always look at us nervously because we can hear him singing. I always turn my head the other way of course and laugh a little because of his reaction. Instead of most people who would just sing and have a neutral face, he had the expression of nervousness. It's either he's nervous, or he's singing a song that fits that mood, but I'm sure it's not the latter.
Another story of a who tries to be a man:
She was saying to the top of her lungs how she found a beautiful pink pen in homeroom, and how it has one of those cushions for the fingers so as not to have callouses (I think that's how you spell it). Then the teacher took it (in a nice way) and said that she would bring it to the office for the lost and found because someone paid for that pen and it's not hers to keep. then the said something like, "No. That pen is perfect for my manly hands. See? I have manly hands," emphasizing on 'manly' with a deeper voice, and in my head I was thinking...whoa, okay, you can stop now. It's kind of freaking everyone out.
2004-09-23 15:00:36
I watched a boring video in History class about a woman named Martha Ballard. It was not interesting.
I remember when I was in the younger grades in elementary school where whenever the teacher said,"We're watching a video," everybody would go "yeahhh" but I thought that most of the videos shown are...boring. I never said anything of course.
I have to read the book Scarlet Letter, which I said earlier in previous entries, and because the author was alive way back then, his grammar is a bit hard to read, but understandable. I didn't go far of course.
Speaking of books, yesterday, I went to the library to try and renew a book called Burning Brightly. I couldn't finish it as fast because I had so much school work. Freshman and sophomore year are okay, but when you hit Junior year, the first few weeks, they want to smash piles and piles of homework on top of you. Homework assignment after another and another, and the next day comes the gift of a huge other packet of homework. I was in the middle of the book until someone put it on hold. I hope the person who's going to get it doesn't leave it in their room for a whole 3 weeks and then return it because I want to read it. I reserved the book after I returned it so I would receive it after that person. Right now, I'm reading Magic's Price.
It's the third volume of the Last Herald Mage. This three book trilogy is really interesting, despite the fact that the main character, which kind of makes me not want to read it at first, but then again, they didn't really talk much about romance in the novel, and just talks about the conflicts in the story and action. I'm not against people like that. At first I was (don't hate me for that) but then, I met this who was in the anime club.
She showed me where the comic book section was in the library, and I saw Cardcaptors. I told her how bad that comic was because someone told me that Sakura liked Madison, and other gay stuff. Then she asked,"What's wrong with gay people?" I was about to start my reasons, but then I stopped before saying anything and asked,"Why? Are you.." and that's when she nodded. She told me who she liked, and that's when, for some reason, I didn't really think badly of gay people. They're really not that different from normal people, except when they're with their lovers, but now I have to go to Geometry. Such strange topics I always come up with.
2004-09-23 10:53:57
Morning does not really give me good topics to say for a journal entry. Nothing has happened yet that is either really annoying, or really good.
I have to go to Congress practice today after school. Because I had a doctor appointment that collided with the practice on Tuesday, I have to go or else I'll make the teacher mad.
I actually wanted to go to Music Club since the teacher is going to start guitar Wow. That magical 4 letter word (note sarcasm).
Anyways, on the next I.E., I'm planning to do Expository on the History of Yoyos. People ask me, what do you have to say about yoyos that are so interesting for about at the most, 10 minutes straight? Well, you'd be surprised what you would find out. I think the weirdest thing that would happen is if I met someone who read this journal entry and came to the next I.E.
For those who never went to a speech tournament, it's really fun because you get to win a trophy. I went to impromptu my last I.E. and of course I didn't win because I was a beginner, though a scored average ranking. Everyone sees you perform, and you see them, so it's not only the judges. So I guess in Expos, your competitors will watch you.
Congress is like debating. Cross examination, weird scenarios happening. One thing that most people do is to fall asleep. Those are the ones who usually don't have speeches, never ask cross-ex questions, and don't win. The number of speeches you give determine the number of points you get in the National Foresic League. You must have at least 25 points to qualify to be a member and to have the degree of Merit.
The bell just went off. I have to go to History. We'll be watching a video that didn't cooperate with the tv last time.
2004-09-21 16:04:44
I'm waiting for Donna to come down to the cafeteria with me.
Yes, I'm still sick, and I don't have much to say today. My mom is setting up a doctor appointment for today, and I can't come to Congress meeting today. My head feels so lightheaded, I can't really think right now. I know that lately, I haven't been writing like I usually do because I have headache and I feel a little dizzy at times.
I just write down anything that comes to mind. Casara is actually coming to congress on Oct. 2 or 1 or whichever is the saturday two weeks from now.
I will probably go to speech meeting for a short while, measure the poster the teacher has on the board because I'm planning to do expository on the next I.E.
I have to go to lunch now. Donna is back.
I feel so light-headed.
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