Very Sick
2004-09-20 18:18:20
I am sick. That's as concise as you can get.
Saturday morning, or really, Friday night, while I was sleeping, I woke up because my throat started hurting. I swallowed some saliva to see how much it would hurt if I swallowed, and it hurt only a bit. I was thinking about drinking some water but was too sleepy.
Then, that was when in the afternoon of Saturday was when it got really bad and it hurt only a little. In other words, my throat hurt even though it was not doing anything. I had cases like these that were much worse.
My brother went to his friend's birthday party, and I saw Natalie there! Natalie is a friend of mine. When I was in 8th grade, I would have to take care of the kindergarteners, so I met Natalie. I later found out that she had a brother in my brother's class, which made me want to get to know her better.
Then, my mom asked me if I wanted to go to golf, but I said no because my throat hurt and going up hills where it is very breezy does not seem such a good idea. The rest of the day, I did my homework with my throat hurting the whole time, which was not comfortable.
Then, finally on Sunday, yesterday, I told my parents and they gave me some stuff to drink, and I feel much better now; so much better that I can actually talk without much difficulty in terms of pain.
I still cough a little though. It was strange. Even though my temperature was only about 99 degrees, I had sore throat and coughing (a little). I thought that the thermometer was too old and that it wasn't accurate due to its old age, but then again, as long as I'm getting better now, I don't care about that.
I still have to read the whole chapter of Esther in the Bible, and finish my final essay for AP English, and I think that 's about it. No. I still have to do Geometry. Since my throat is better, I think that doing homework will be much better than two days ago.
2004-09-17 14:58:37
Today, I have piano lessons, so I'm writing it now so that I don't have to rush and worry that I'll be late cause I'm being picked up.
Unlike some people I know like Yuri, my brother and I like piano lessons. We never really started it at a young age like everyone else because we never thought of it. Plus that big barrier where you have to buy a piano to take lessons at my old school.
I joined music club, and the moderator knows how to play the piano and the guitar, so I get free lessons on the guitar because the club is still wondering if she could also teach piano.
History was a little boring. My classmates had to act out a scene about the trial of Anne Hutchinson, and besides Kayla, everyone else was not so great.
Why do s act like boys? My whole analogy and observations on this strange attitude. (It does sound philosophical, yet a little like a science experiment, doesn't it)
2004-09-16 18:58:01
I just came from self defense and the whole class had to do a project in groups about being attacked and when to use self defense. My teacher said that each of us have to present something in the project and all my group thought of was music, music videos, that they pretended to have interest in because I'm stuck with all of them being s, and movies. I was thinking, 'Why don't you think of other things such as news articles or advertisements you see on the streets? Why narrow your minds to such simple things such as music and all that stuff? I could tell that they are obssessed with music a little too much. So I guess that when I present my piece, I'll be the only one among the others who have some sort of non-entertainment wise source.
Then, while we were making a poster, my teacher said to the whole class that group 5 already wrote down the interpretations and my sissy group was still designing the title! Then, they wanted to design and decorate, and THEN do the facts. I mean, I don't even know how I got into this group.
Later, the writing the title in a red marker, rather slowly, started to complain that it was fading. The marker was fading because she was using the tip of it. You know how the markers in classrooms have a slant? If you look at a marker for the white board, you see the ink part and it's slanted. So she was using the very edge and pressing on it too hard. So I told her to use the whole ink, not just the tip. Of course I should know. I draw tons and tons of drawings while she doesn't. So, she looks at me like she does not want help from anyone in the world and starts swearing about my statement. Yeah, and her title was still a faint color.
So the after 20 minutes, four s, one writing our names with fancy calligraphy, one writing down what we should bring (which is helpful, it's just that they left me out, but I don't really care), and two s decorating the paper rather lavishly like their lives depended on it. Then, they started to draw a person next to the title! That would waste even more time. Of course, if I say something again, the marker-girl will go in a frantic chaotic heart attack (I've noticed that these kinds of s get offended very easily, which is kind of strange, no offense to any like this. Not all s are like that. Most of them are very smart and amiable). So, I just stayed quiet, thinking about what I'm going to bring in, falling asleep sometimes, and then packing up to leave.
I usually do better without group work, even though others prefer otherwise. I feel like if someone messes up in my group, my grade is affected. It depends on what class you're in. If you're in an Honors or AP class, most likely you're quite set in getting a good grade in group work, but for a regular class, well, at least in my school, the students don't really want to work and would procrastinate until the day before the project is due, or some time near it. I don't mean to offend anyone at all, it's just that this group work issue with MY grade involved in it has happened to me far too often. Sometimes when I tell my group that we have to stop talking about whatever they are and work on our project, they would either stare at me strangely, or continue to talk, or agree, if I have any other sensible person with me. I never have to do this in Honors or AP because I know that the next day, we will have everything ready to continue on with the next step of the project.
Yes, I think it's okay to stop and joke around at times while working, but not for a straight one hour or even 30 minutes.
Sometimes, I regret ever asking my history teacher if I could go on to AP. I thought that it would be too hard for me.
So, there I am, sitting there, not able to communicate with those s decorating the paper because they went into their own little world. I don't even know some of the people they were talking about.
I wish I went to another school where the majority of people are like that. To put it simply, sometimes I feel different from everyone else. People here like to insult their teachers, insult their peers, insult their friends in a joking manner (even though I think it's a little odd, only a little), and whatever they do.
The one thing that I find that the s here like to ACT like boys, which is a very strange concept that I see everyday. Some s would try and stomp the floor very hard while walking. Some like to hide their long hair underneath caps. Most of these s who act like this wear make up and purses.,..which is even STRANGER!! I cannot believe what I am seeing sometimes. Then, they talk about sports and just ask each other about the scores. That's it. I don't think that they fully understand all the concepts about scoring and other facts. The strangest thing is that they love to shop, but yet act like boys. I really want them to stop acting because it is annoying. I would rather see their feminine side and their true personality instead of meeting that "thing" they concocted in their brains and try and reflect their thoughts like this. They are very loud so as to attract a lot of attention, and when you're in a room full of these types of s, the room is very loud.
I wish s would stop it. It's annoying. I think it rather would scare more boys than attract them. I mean think about it: a with really baggy clothes, and makeup, and a purse, talking loudly...about sports. Do you think you want to go near someone like that? They seem to be confused between some sort of conflict inside their head. This might be a way to attract boys, but it might be a way to try and tell others that they are like a tomboy, but really, they're not. (yeah, sometimes I really philisophic) Maybe it's because that male are nt over female, which is thought of and still exists in some minds in today's societies. Maybe because of this nce, instead of finding a way to show that females are better, they would rather try and become a male instead, but they know their restrictions. When I mean restrictions, I mean they don't give up their feminine styles such as makeup, shopping for clothes, joking about stuff which is whatever it is but I see it, and that other feminine things that they do. Sometimes, because they do not want to give up these things, I would wonder in my mind: if they want to be as close as male as possible, why don't they give up these things? I guess that they do not want to be as masculine as they want to be. They want to look like it on the outside. I would actually like to find out how their real personality like, behind the attitude of knocking doors open in an angry way, and trust me, one walks as if something is annoying her a lot, everyday.
As you can tell, I have thought about this a lot. I just wish that s would stop doing this. Some s don't want to be masculine, like one named Erica. Contrast to all the other s that try to look tough, Erica is a tough , and I could tell by talking to her. She doesn't pretend. That is what I want to happen in society. Every just being themselves instead of some clone of a boy. Some s aren't like this (as previously stated) because they want to keep their feminine side, unlike other s who try to get rid of it forever. I hope that s would realize how silly it is to dress up like a boy. No, you are not a tomboy, you are just a person who is acting. If you act like yourself, then you are not an actress anymore, but rather something better, like a . You will never be a boy unless you get plastic surgery, which is something that I don't think many s fantasize about. The only way to be one is to be yourself and find out whether or not you are like a boy, or somewhat like one. Yeah, I know this all sounds like something in a movie, but I really believe that this is how it is to be. If you happen to not be a tomboy down deep inside, then okay...accept the fact. I'm tired of seeing s painstakingly pretend to be like this. You won't believe how many times I see s in baggy boys pants and walking as if they badly need to go to the bathroom, you know, that limping walk that some of them do, and forcing their voice to be very deep.
If only s were like themselves, I bet that the male side of society would actually take a relaxing breath from all this. I know my dad and I would. (Plus the perfume. These strange s wear perfume. One word: strange.)
2004-09-14 19:00:41
Man! I have to do all these speeches for Congress coming up on October. I have to do 5 speeches, and got only 4 done. Not only that, but the topic, Attitude: Key to Success, is also needed to be done. Not by tomorrow of course, but by about one month or so. Also that Veteran Speech, and for all the people who are in the National Forensic League, I hope they know what I'm talking about.
I wonder if other speech clubs in other states have the same bills for Congress. Probably they do. But do they hold the congresses at about the same time as well? What about I.E.s? there are other events that my speech team are not in. We're only in congress and i.e. Too bad. I would like to try out the others.
For expository, I am going to do yo-yo history because I already did a speech on that in speech class. Now I have to find the right poster board to paste all the pictures that are on weak, flailing paper on. If this doesn't make sense, you don't have to know about it.
2004-09-10 16:25:28
Today, school is cut short for some reason. It's called a Minimum Day, since our classes are each 1hr and 30minutes long. So, we have 4 classes one day, and 3 classes on the other day.
I think I might want to practice piano today, since today is Friday, and that I get off early. Oh, shoot. My brother cannot come with me to State until 3:00.
Believe it or not, my brother and I are what you call really close friends. We just tell each other anything we want to. So, I'll probably have to wait.
During history, there were these group of s that seem to hang out with each other. They said very loudly how boring history was, and the teacher heard them. My teacher seems to be one of those people that can be easily pushed around, no offense to her, but that's my opinion. Of course, if you go too far with her, she'll come back at you, but overall she is a really nice person. Then, those s tried to do things to me. I mean, the things they do to try and "prove" that they are nt are not quite that...great.
Of course, I don't see their actions as anything because I've been pushed around much farther than this, and learning from that experience, I think I can handle those people quite easily. I don't think they will do those things the next class though. I don't worry too much about them.
For some people, they can talk to s very easily, but I have a hard time. I don't know why. I see other people just talk casually with them, and I can't seem to do that. Even my brother can talk with his classmates that are s, and I can't even do that!
I hope my brother is having fun at school. Maybe. Who knows? They could be doing art right now. Although, I'm sure they aren't because usually art classes start in the morning. I think they start in the morning for most schools are because that's when you haven't really started your day already. So, let's say that if someone insulted you in the afternoon and you come to art class at 1:30 and you paint something really horrible because of that one effect that will probably not last very long. I'm not sure though. Yeah, someone can insult in the morning, but hey, I think there is a less of a chance for that to happen because there is less time. If you don't get it, I can't do anything about it. I don't think I have the greatest explanations in the world.
I remember that my English teacher told me that she liked the way my mind works because it's always jumping from one topic to the next, which, when I started writing, I found that she was correct.
I know that this journal entry is getting really long, but I'm used to such things. (there I go, switching subjects like what the English teacher said) I type a lot because I had Mr. Schaffer last year in English II. My compare and contrast essay was 8 pages long!! And I ended up having to do a rewrite and thankfully, got an A-. I was happy about that (of course, who wouldn't be) because that was the longest essay I ever wrote. It was based on the book LORD OF THE FLIES and the compare and contrast between Ralph and the other boy that seemed to rival for nce over the young group of boys and force his position down as the leader. Yeah, I won't go into that much. The last thing I need is this entry to become the second version of my essay.
It's getting too long, and I doubt that I'll ever re-read this. I read other people's journal entries and their's are so short!! No, I just think that mine is so long.
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