Club Assembly
2004-09-08 18:26:23
This year's club assembly changed. Instead of going alphabetical order, they went Club A first, then Club B.
I had to wear the anime sweatshirt for the assembly, and today was very hot. Instead of that, I had to represent as part of the speech team as well. So, it ends up that at the last minute, one of our big puppet's eye came off, and can only stick on the paper bag temporarily. When I was the taxi driver in our speech skit, I had to crash into the puppet whose eye is falling. So, of course, it fell, and that puppet who was being crashed into was Mr. Schaffer. I hope he's not offended by this. The presidents said that he wouldn't be. Hope so, because I'm the one who designed that puppet to make it look like some devouring monster.
Anime club is okay. It's just that Donna forgot to mention that Lain and I were the vice presidents.
Honors Chemistry was pretty boring. Not that the class was boring, but I felt tired after Self Defense. I had to check with this about these worksheets that dealt with significant figures and unit conversion and all that stuff and I got some of it wrong. My mind was not working that time. I felt so sleepy.
In self defense, the teacher assumes that we do not know how to do push ups. She was showing us how to position ourselves. Some people had their posture wrong probably as an accident. Sometimes, I think that the teacher thinks we have weak upper body muscles. Though, if she had a rope that led to the ceiling, I'm sure I can do something about that train of thought.
I shouldn't talk about the teachers this way.
I'm still tired.
AMV trouble
2004-09-07 14:33:41
I try to enter a new video into this site, but yet the page for the steps keep getting stuck. It won't proceed to the next step.
I should try coming here at another time to do it...
2004-09-03 16:05:00
I have decided that shouldn't be in the fall play because of the hectic schedule I have right now. Not only that, but I have to practice piano, go to golf every Saturday, and other activities that may come.
Geez. I have so much homework. Because Labor Day is coming up, the teachers tell my class that since we have a 3 day weekend, they can load up more homework.
I even asked Casara how often practice rehearsals are. She said that sometimes they range for 2 hrs, but others it lasts until night!! Especially the spring musical!!
I'll wait until I'm a senior to be in the play.
Chemistry quiz taken already, and so is Spanish quiz on the history of Spain -- answers to questions in spanish!! I found out later, after the test how I accidentally spelled 'to marry' incorrectly. Something about Ferdinand and Isabel. I think I have to study harder next time. Ms. Chacon is very hard.
Chemistry element quiz is okay. The teacher said to study 20X's a day, but of course, having the busy schedule, I only studied it a few times and I think I did okay. I was not sure about Cd. I think Cd stood for Cadium.
For speech, I have to try and find Marie to be one of the students in our skit for the club assembly next Wednesday. I don't even know what will I would find time to write speeches for Congress and I.E. while doing homework, while practicing piano, while going to golf, while going to whatever other place I need to do!
I'll have to give my script back to the teacher.
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