JOURNAL: Koopiskeva (Jay Naling)

  • :O phase 2 2002-10-03 11:57:39 Hmm.. i just noticed that there's a hit counter on journals o.O

    People actually read this!? AHHHHH!!!

    Anyways, I just realized that school really takes a big chunk of your time there. I haven't even been able to start my new vid.. gah. Oh ya, plus the whole lazyness factor. i think I'm just gonna ramble now since I'm just wasting time before I go to my next class.

    Let's see... Well, after reading all the wonderful stories about AWA, I'm definitely going to do everything in my power to be there next year, maybe even enter the contest. I had a video ready fro AWA, but I thought I could hold off showing it till my hometown convention next year, bad move. I just realized that by then, the video won't be as fresh anymore and most people will probably have already seen the same type of video. Oh well.. so far for technical advancement.. I still have plenty of ideas for videos that I want to make, but I'm not sure I'll be able to dedicate enough time on them during the school year.

    I hope that's not my bus passing me by there.. crap.. it is.. damn.. im gonna be late.. again. cya. 
  • :O 2002-10-01 12:25:03 Omni: don't worry dood, We'll make ACen big though our crazy antics.. if I ever come up with any i'll tell ya. Maybe next year I won't just spend my whole time watching amvs...tsk tsk.. i missed so much.. 
  • bukkake king 2002-09-24 15:32:46 nailz: omg, i'll still be here fo0! that's it, its go time. BATTLE!

    On a much lighter note, the other side of the pillow really IS much cooler. 
  • AMV finally up! 2002-08-08 12:02:37 Woohoo! Finally have that dealjob thingy up... I've been getting pretty good reactions from it, but so far just one opinion. The bad part is, the person that gave an opinion on it gave me a low overall score, because he didn't like the genre of the song I used. He didn't even give it a chance which is sad since telling me that he hates techno isn't really a reasonable explanation for a low score. Anyways, ya i know it probably seems wierd that I'm writing stuff in here but umm.. ya :O 
  • o.o 2002-06-28 14:54:17 my first journal entry EVER! if ne1 reads this then u r special o.o 
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