JOURNAL: TheCreedBeast (Andy Roque)

  • Update 2005-09-10 06:58:43 I just submitted a new banner - if you eventually see it, it's got Tomo and Ms. Yukari (sp?) from Azumanga Daioh in a blue car. The text says Taking Control. I really hope this one gets voted in!

    I haven't been on much recently. This week was the first week back on campus and only yesterday evening did I finally get my dorm room internet functioning fully. I probably will be busy like I have been for the next week or two, so I may continue to not be on as much as I had been over the Summer. I guess that's obvious, though, because it is the school year.

    Now I gotta go grab some breakfast before I head to Saturday morning classes! Hurrah. We don't have them every Saturday; this is just one of the "special" times where we do. Love it... 
  • Finished Fruits Basket Again 2005-09-05 23:18:21 I finished my second full viewing of Fruits Basket this evening. Just like the first time, that show moved me deeply. I definately think that, for me, this was the landmark anime series of my summer. The characters are so amazing and so diverse, the plot is so easy to follow and yet impossible to pass up, and few animes successfully convey such power. Wow.

    Plus, I'm the same guy that runs a Gundam Yahoo Group. Gundam and Fruits Basket? Yeah they're fairly different. I know my tastes in anime are quite diverse. Regardless, Fruits Basket has earned an elite spot among the most memorable anime series I have ever watched. 
  • Back to Campus Tomorrow! 2005-09-05 11:44:43 Finally, tomorrow is the day I get to move back into my dorm for my final year of high school! I have a single with its own bathroom all to myself this year, which will be nice, and there are lots of other things to look forward to as well. For example, my fall drama cast is going to perform in England! So, ya, I'm excited. Plus, I definately prefer being on my own anyway, so campus works perfectly.

    I've almost finished watching Fruits Basket a second time through. I only have the last five episodes to watch. On a second viewing, that series has gotten even better. ^_^

    Well, I don't have much else to say other than that I have a bunch of AMV ideas I'm keeping secret until I get a good chance to begin putting them together one by one. Campus may be even more time-crunched, so who knows what'll happen with the amount of videos I can make between now and Christmas. I'll do my best, though, 'cause I want to make those ideas reality! 
  • Banner Voters Suck 2005-09-02 00:43:39 I don't understand how some of these banners get voted in. I have submitted dozens and have almost nothing Worthy to show for it - in fact, I only have one and it's months and months old! Now I work with layers and fades and effects and all that trash to make much more precise work and STILL I get between 60 and 85 votes every time. Most recently, I had my hopes up for a cartoonish Gundam Seed banner featuring the faces of Yzak, Dearka, and Athrun. It said "Beware the Meltdown" and I hoped it might make the cut. NOPE. Voters keep pushing through the same cute-girl-dumb-slogan trash one banner at a time. Even right now the banner above this very journal entry is a p-o-s if you ask me. I'm not just whining that my banners deserve to get in either, just to be clear. Please, vote mine unworthy if you do so wish. Sadly, just like with too many AMVs (especially ones with overused shows such as DBZ, Gundam Wing, Naruto, or even FMA included) on this site, Worthy banners are predictable and yawn-inducing all too often.

    If fewer of these "innocent" girl ones got through, I'd be more or less content to never submit another banner again. I may not be for a while, what with moving back to my dorm in just a handful of days and then tons of stuff to do from then onward.

    In any case, with all banners and videos, judge wisely and give true creativity the credit it deserves. I think it makes a real difference, I guess.

    All right, enough on this subject. By this point you either agree or disagree. Either way is alright by me - hey, someone must love those anime girl banners! ^_^ 
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