temaranight (C D)
2003-04-24 01:03:49
lets see...First off...Prius..You know I and Digi both..and hate to see you go..but I'm sure I'll catch you over at TANC when I get back over that way.. ^^
Next...Get a call at 12:30's Erich..trucks broke down outside of Memphis..the tie rod broke..thank the Goddess that another trucker saw sparks and radioed him and he slowed down..just in time he hit about 20mph to pull over broke..if he had been doing 70 down the interstate..I don't think I even want to go there on that one.. -.-
Needless to say..he called his dad..they drove it rigged enough to get it to a truck stop nearby..*the one he'd just left in fact* and when the Volvo dealership opened they got the parts and fixed it..done around noon today..and at $160.00..alot less than I expected..but still.. =/
After this..I find out that one best bud is losing his internet for awhile..the cable at least.. and won't be on as much..which sucks..because I can call him..he's in the states and my LD plan is unlimited weekends and nights in the US...but what's worse is that I find out my other best bud lost his for good..for a month or two at least...and I can't call him like I'd like since he's out of the US...all this along with some other stuff that just makes me wish they all lived closer so I can make sure they're ok... =/
On an upnote..I showed my latest beta to someone and they really really liked it.. =)
-.- I guess I should end this here..since I have classes for my math
Love and Peace..Shade and Sweetwater...
2003-04-22 16:55:36
Where to start..
Easter weekend...Friday..leave town at 4 AM and head to Des Moines Iowa to deliver a Miller Light trailer. Since I didnt' have classes..I went with Erich on this run. The trip was a bitch with the wind like it was and Missouri's crappy ass roads. When we left was in the 70's..and sunny. Got there in Des Moines around 6 PM and it's rainy, cold and windy. I was not impressed with IA on this trip to say the least. And..if I hadn't had classes on Monday..And KC had been with us...I more than likely could have talked Erich into making the run on up to Canada and visit with some friends for a little while. As it was..we stayed over in IA and came home the next in about 8 PM Saturday night. God I was tired. -.- up..did the Easter Bunny thing..went over to his parents for awhile I mean ALL DAY...and I didn't take my history when I got home that night around 11PM I had to cram for my US History test Monday morning. -.- x2....
Monday..Take my test..hope I pass it...*crosses fingers* and get my reveiw sheet for my finals in two weeks. Five essay questions...Pick three and write a 3-4 page essay on each one. Goddess only knows if I can BS my way thru this... I also find out why I've been having headaches and glasses are screwed..*since it's been over 4 YEARS since I got new ones..this shouldn't surprise me in the least* it also explains why I've not been editing eyes have been hurting me to much to stare at premire for long periods of I shell out $40 for my exam..and $200 for my new glasses which should be in at the end of the week. -.- x3
Today..I take my math test...and I pray I at least made a C..if not..even passing the final with an A won't save me...*like me getting an A in math would EVER happen* And I get back online..and find out 1 of my best bud is losing his internet for awhile..and the one is MIA ..=/ -.-x4
As I always try to look on the upside of things...I may still be going to Memphis in least one nite of it..which is better than nothing. Not sure yet. AWA..just have to keep thinking of AWA...
Love and Peace all.....
Koop! :O
2003-04-02 23:00:47
*strikes Jim Carrie's Joker pose* Koop! Koop causing everyone to quit you say! *insane laugh* Don't count on it....
Sure Koops vid rocked..and kudos to him for doing an awesome job...but for me to look at it and say "OK..I's over..." well..
*Dana Carvey Pres Bush voice* Not gonna do it...
I'd like to think I'm slowly getting better...but while alot of people look at vids as eyecandy..I'd like to think I put a little more emotion than anything else into my vids..which is why you don't see razzle dazzle effects. That and there's a few I still need to learn how to do. :P
Heh..thats what gets me..that alot of people think that effects HAVE to be used in a vid. Other than fades and dissovles..meh..why? Sure ..if it fits the mood of the song and all..but sometimes simple is better. Not saying that I wouldn't LOVE to make an insane over the top video filled with video effects that make you go :O....but right now I don't feel that I have the knowledge to create that...YET.. but when I do..*evil gleam in her eye*
I think that the main reason alot of people liked my Hellsing vid wasn't because it was an awesome vid..(and it's not compared to some others I've seen by any means *cough* Fluxy *cough*) because it was a novelty for wasn't Trigun.. :O...which sparked alot of peoples intrest more than anything else.
But really..don't let vids like Koops...and AD's and so forth..get you down. As I belive Flint said..everyone has talent in a different just have to find where yours lies at and make it your little niche.
O.O O.o o.O o.o Movin and grovin
2003-03-31 03:15:19 entertain me and frighten me at the same time...I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not..O.o :P
Course I can't say a whole lot..I'll be finished with my Vash bear pretty soon so.. :p Yes..a Vash bear..a honey colored teddy bear with the red trenchcot and all...I'll have a plushie one way or!
Let's see...I'm wired and tired..something I try not to be as I become dangerous like!
I just finished the gift AMV I've been working on..just have to encode it to smaller file size and send it to the person I made it for..and hope they like what I've made for them.
This is the first time I've ever done something like this...and I have to's been fun. I've always liked seeing how other people percive something that I like..or vice's always interesting to see someone elses take on things. That's why I think projects like M:I and M:I2 are fun to get to see several different veiws on one thing.
Well..with the public schools spring break over with..things should settle back into a routine around much of a routine as I have.. :P And hopefully it'll warm back up soon! I want my 70 degree weather back *shakes fist at those up North for sending their cold weather south* :p
I have to get started on my AWA cosplay outfits soon..Seras will be fairly easy to do..I hope.. :/
Listening to: looping these 4 songs..Boney M- Rasputin, 70's Extended Disco Mix. and Stardust-Music Sounds Better With You and Prince Megamix..
another day
2003-03-30 02:15:27
*huggles Devo* I hate to hear about your HD..maybe that little trick we talked about will work..*crosses fingers*
Yay! Another new vid out today...I hope everyone likes it...
Not too much else going on...
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