JOURNAL: temaranight (C D)

  • and the boredom sets in.... 2002-09-27 20:21:38 Okay...I'm offically bored now. I've worked on my vid till my eyes have crossed...I've scanned fan art...heck..last night I even gave out reviews..and more than 2 at that! This is also the second journal entry today..And the forums are a no no because I'll just end up spamming..can't have I know for a fact that I'm BORED!!!!!!
    *considers calling the Fearsome Foursome* Nah...waking them up this morning was enough..
    *wanders away to play with Photoshop for awhile* 
  • Wake up you fools!!!!! 2002-09-27 16:48:38 8:30 time..9:30 AWA time..

    *dials phone* May i have room # *** please?
    *connects to room..several rings, someone finally answers*

    Devo- "Hello?"
    Me-"Did ya'll have fun last night?"
    Devo-"yhea..but we couldn't find See Info...."


    At some point in the conversation..Xeno has managed to find See Info. *whew*

    So..*looks at clock* by now the Fearsome Foursome has had pleanty of time to invade AWA and cause! Can't wait to hear what happens next!

  • NERV...AKA..COMMAND CENTRAL 2002-09-26 21:23:24 12:15 rings..
    Feit-"We're in Atlanta..but we can't find Xeno."
    Me-"Hmm..okay. He was suppoesed to be at the station at the same time as you right?"
    Feit-"Yhea..but he's not."
    Me-"Okay..maybe his bus is late. Give him a 1 1/2 and if he's still not there call me back."
    (*NOTE* At this time..after finding the number to the hotel for them, they find that the pay phone wouldn't let them call the hotel for some reason)

    1 1/2 hours later...phones rings...
    Me- "Hello?"
    Feit- "He's still not here."
    Me- "Hmmm...well...let me call the me back in 5 mins"
    ( At this point it is reasoned that he went to the other bus station, near the airport..and that Xeno might already be at the hotel. I call..ask if anyone has registered under their reservation name..and lo and behold..someone has)

    5-10 mins rings...
    (guess who ;p)
    Me-"Yep..someone has registered at the hotel under ya'lls reservation."
    (Various curses are heaped upon Xeno's head..LMAO!..)

    A few hours rings..

    And so
    It's great to know the guys are having such a great time..*Shakes Fist*
    Curse you fates that kept me from going!! I will defiey you next year though! I will be at AWA 2003! ;p 
  • Stands on the porch and waves goodbye.. 2002-09-25 03:11:32 *Waves madly* Bye Feit..Bye Devo..Bye Xeno..Bye SeeInfo..Bye Roz...Bye MJ..Bye Bloody *and the list goes on*!!!!!!!

    Have fun enough for me!!!! I'll be there with ya'll next year for sure!!!

    *wanders back in and sits down at the comp..looking at a very empty buddy list for the next few days...and smiles cause she knows she'll go next time around*

  • Congrats! 2002-09-24 02:18:20 Congradulations on your win Uncle Milo! Way to go!

    My 2nd AMV is coming along nicely..both people that I showed the beta too think it's a good soild idea. I've finally figured out how to use some of the transitions..and I think that gives the vid alot more than what Hero had. (which I will redo someday..FYI)

    Other than that...not alot else... 
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