JOURNAL: temaranight (C D)

  • No AWA for me! *pouts* 2002-09-19 13:21:18 Nope..won't be there...want to be there..but won't..*sighs* And I was so looking forward to meeting everyone and having tons of fun with my own Vash cosplayer *cough Devo cough* and living plushies:P

    In other news... I think my new Trigun vid is coming along nicely..and will be a change of pace from many of them I have seen..the main reason being that it is set to an old country song...more on this later.

    Fall has arrived here..and I'm loving every minute of it. The temps are down into the 80's in the daytime..60's & 70's at night. The leaves are turning their gold and bronze colors..and drifting to the ground in swarms. I sat outside yesterday at my mom's on the hill beside the road..feeling the breeze agianst my face..the setting sun warming my back..and teaching KC to roll down the hill like I used to do...I thought that no matter what life throws my way..times like those can never be overshadowed by anything else. It was just a perfect moment. Why can't there be more of those.....Because then we'd take them for granted...
  • How short life is.... 2002-08-24 11:20:36 I've found out that my sis only has about 5 years to live, due to an advanced liver diease. Her only chance is that she get a liver transplant...but to do that she has to get on a waiting list, and to do that she has to see a specialist. She has no job..due to her illness and the government is giving her a hard way to go (As they are known to do) on getting disability. She's 18 years older than I am...and we've never been really close. But it seems like lately, we've gotten closer..which is a good thing. It's hard to think that in 5 years she might be really makes you sit back and look at your own life in a new way...
    More thoughts on this a litte later.... 
  • I'm just going to sit down and cry 2002-08-21 10:27:04 My computer hates me....the feeling is mutual.
    The HD went kaput once more.....So I have to wait another 2 long torturous weeks to get back into the org chat and harass everyone....bleh. ::Wanders off to draw more Trigun fanart and watch her Trigun DVD for the thousandth time:: 
  • I'm BACK! 2002-08-19 17:09:13 the old POS comp back up and running for the time being so I can rule the ORG once more! MUWHAAA! Ooops! No one was suppose to know about that plan! Damn it all..... 
  • Well...this sucks!!! 2002-08-08 11:26:13 My comptuer went to computer heaven last night..(or computer hell if I had my way) and has left me stranded on the public internet route for awhile...which means no chat...bleh! Also, it means I've more than likely lost all my files...((sobs:: all my Vash pics that I SHOULD HAVE MOVED TO DISK WHEN I THOUGHT ABOUT IT THE NIGHT BEFORE!!!!)) which means I'll have to start any videos I had started over from scratch! I hate my comp....

    Anyway...I'll be back as soon as I can...hopefully it won't be more than a week or too.... 
Current server time: Mar 06, 2025 22:17:34