temaranight (C D)
I DID IT!!!!!!!
2002-07-01 14:09:42
I did it! I actually figured out how to use Premire!!! And got about 1 minute of my Trigun video done! YES!!!!! :: Does the happy dance!::
Now, tonight I'll work on it a bit more...have to go pay bills today...:(
2002-06-15 22:50:07
Well, the truck is ours, Erich's dad has more or less given it to us. Still some work to be done on it, like new brakes and some other minor stuff, so hopefully it will be ready to roll next week and he can go up to Indiana to sign on with the trucking co. up there. K.C. and I won't be able to ride untill he gets riders insurance, so that'll be a few weeks. Truck has been tricked out inside. Tv/VCR, DVD player, a few other things we'll get a bit later. Other than that, not alot happpening. Mowed the yard today, weeded the flower bed, cleaned the carport, and started cleaning the house, since it hasn't been touched in about a week due to my going with Erich to work on the truck.
2002-06-09 02:17:02
I'm so glad that stupid fights over with! Now maybe things in Memphis can get back to normal before I go back over to Beale Street!
Well, no one will finance us on a truck, so daddy-in-law might let us use the one he just bought for awhile untill we get enough cash of our own for one. If we can get $4000, we can go down to FLA and get one, and they'll finance the rest, which means an $1100 payment, but that's not to bad for a 98 condo truck.
Still might be able to talk him into the tattoo of Vash I want as long as I pick a spot that's sort of out of the way. I've got two pics I'm trying to decide between...Vash with gun, or angel Vash..hmmmm. My mother-in-law asked her tatto artist and he said it'd more than likely run between $50 and $100.
I'm really ready to get back to work. But can't go job hunting untill we figure out how this over the road stuffs gonna do. If all goes well, I may not have to work right now.
Oh and MJ...gave you a review!
I should really post here more often
2002-06-03 23:39:05
Hmmm...where to start...
Thursday- Applied for loan on big rig at bank, hoping to get it since the resturant will close Friday. If not, we try it through the people were hoping to get the truck from. A 1999 Volvo w/ a 500 Cummings in it, burgandy w/ a stand up sleeper, or a 1998 Volvo with a 475 Detroit, blue w/ a stand up sleeper.
Friday- Closed up the resturant due to lack of business ( $50 a day doesn't cut it). Also, we were denied a loan at the bank becasue they don't like to do big rigs... :(
Monday- Called and found out one loan company has denied us, still have two more to go through. Geez, you'd think more people would be willing to just hand over 23,000 to 32,000 to anyone.. :P
On an anime note, whichever truck we get I'm going to try to convince my ever so darling husband to let me paint Vash on it somewhere...or tell him, hey, you got a truck, now I get a tattoo...of Vash of course! I really don't think either idea will fly, lol!
As far as AMV's, I'm still working on getting a progam and some video material to use for a few ideas I've got. Other than that...only time will tell.
I'm free!!!!!!!!
2002-04-12 16:53:51
Gave my notice today, although my boss pretty much figured I'd be leaving soon, and already had someone in mind to take my place. ( I was amazed cause I'd figure he'd farm the work out to everyone like he's done with the last 2 peoples jobs that quit) so I start to train the girl replacing me Monday. But I also happened to read a intresting little note, that I'm sure I wasn't suppose to see. Before I left work today, I went ahead and got all the stuff out of the A/R box so I could sort thru it and see what all there was for Monday, when this folded, stapled piece of paper caught my eye, with the A/R managers name on it none less. ( He and I are the only two in the dept. so I knew something was up when it was stapled, so I couldn't read it)
Well, I couldn't very well open it and read it could I? Of course not, I just held it up to the light and read thru it :P
So I now know that my replacement will make .25 less than I do now...she'll only work 30 hrs a week so that they won't have to worry about benifits...but what really hacked me off was that if the dept makes a goal that was set a month ago to collect a certian percentage of the past due accounts, she'll get it. After I have busted my ass pulling old invoices, ect. to get them paid! I'm not hacked cause I won't get it...I'll be gone by then...but there's no way in hell she should get it either!
Am I right? Or just being bitchy?
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