temaranight (C D)
Just Breathe...
2003-09-15 22:10:51
Deep breaths...yhea..that's the ticket...I can worries...just let it go...
Sides' my own Jett...what more could I ask for?
Though you gotta admit a JettxSeras pairing a little odd...=p
Evil AMV idea
2003-09-15 03:30:17
Hellsing to the Munsters TV theme
2003-09-13 19:42:46
I uploaded Abracadabra today ...and when I checked on's star score was a 4! Holy crap! ^^ I didn't expect that at ALL! Thanks guys! Whoever you were!
*Shakes fist at Devo*
2003-09-12 11:38:08
You'd at least better be at AWA! I wanna meet at least one of the fearsome foursome =p
¬¬ & O.o &^^
2003-09-12 11:35:39
Must learn to control my protective side..must learn there are others..Must learn to share and to let things go..*chants this to self several times*
On to other things..
I started work on 2 more vids..I really need to stop doing that. Also..I'm gonna try to upload my AWA pro vid tonite since it didn't make it to the finals =/
I rendered a new beta for my ultimate-bestest vid ever (to me at least) and O.O..I got chills. Now wether or not anyone else does..I've no clue..but I did ^^ it's gonna be great!
AWA is less than two weeks away! I can't wait! This is gonna be great! I'm almost done with my cosplay outfit. Have to find the right kind of boots and get white gloves. And sew the pockets onto the vest. *does happy dance*
Current server time: Jan 12, 2025 14:34:35