temaranight (C D)
2003-09-11 13:03:57
I had no idea it would be so hard to edit and not use lyric synch...especially in a vid using a song that DOES NOT match the footage in lyrics at all.... -.-
For Devo
2003-09-11 08:19:45
*huge Huggle* Sorry you had such a craptastic nite =/...the owner sounds like a real asshat...s'okay though..just keep thinking..2 more weeks..2 more weeks...^^
Re: Sarah
2003-09-05 13:38:14
Not all of us have those nifty tech jobs ^^
I'm the worlds worst when it comes to putting down money to buy anime..I always find a reason on why I can wait on buying. The most expense anime I own is my Trigun boxset..and that was a Christmas gift or else I still wouldn't have it....ok..I lie..I would..but I would have gotten over a period of months since Sam Goody's has layaway =P
I always look in the bargin bins to see what I can find there..and if I reaaallyy want it and can't afford it at the moment..I see if I can rent or borrow it from someone and rip it to my HD till I can get it.
My next major purchase is going to be the Bebop set. That's another reason I don't have a huge anime collection..I'd rather buy them as a set then one at a really do save money that way in the long run.
Do you?
2003-09-05 11:44:12
I do....forever...*swoon..kiss kiss...gooofy grin as I look into his beautiful blue eyes*
Re: Wonka's Post...
2003-08-22 10:03:43
I have to agree with you...wholeheartedly..
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