temaranight (C D)
2003-05-16 14:29:19
yesh...I actually spent money on myself this week..
I bought Gungrave for the PS2..and I'm stuck on the 3rd level..-.- stupid big fist thingy guy
And I bought a DVD called Miyuki-chan in Wonderland..done by CLAMP..and it's only got engilsh track..haven't had a chance to watch it yet...and I'm thinking about going ahead and getting the Speed Racer set for myself as well..^^ I have a vid idea that I need it for
So tired
2003-05-15 23:53:24
They finally got my mom up on the rehab floor..took them long we'll just have to see how hard she's going to work at getting better..she's going to have to relize that it takes time..and it won't be like the way it was..mainly I think it's my sister who's going to need a good finger in the face talking to about how things are going to have to be..I relize she's sick too..but it's not all about her anymore..*like it ever was to begin with *eye roll* * and she's really going to have to straigten up and help out alot...
My sis in law is going to stay with me for like 2 days.. joy..*huge eye roll* just what I need right now...but her grandmother died and the funeral and all is here..*her grandmother was in FL..having the body flown here* so she'll be busy with that...
It seems like I've had no time to myself whatsoever..I know that sounds selfish..but it's I took a few hours and finished up Xenodrake and mines co-video New Day...hopefully the encode I did on it doesn't suck too badly as I'm still learning that part of editing.. -.-..but just look it up on new vids or go to my profile and get it from there..I'm too tired to put up a link right now.. ;/
Watched some of the lunar eclipse tonite..very pretty..too bad I can't keep my eyes open long enough to see it all....oh well....
2003-05-11 15:18:59
It's only been about five days..but it seems a hell of a lot longer...I guess going back and forth between the hospital mom's house..and getting other things done has that effect on a person. I've not had hardly anytime to just sit and do nothing..
Mom's getting better...slowly but she is..hopefully tomorrow they'll get her up on the psycial therapy floor and get to working with her. She's just getting really tired of not being able to do anything except lay in the hospital bed :/
I want my Kodiak home.. :^(..but he's in N.C. right now...not sure when he'll get to make it home
Hopefully before too long..I'll be able to get back to work on some vids I was in the middle of before all this happened...
Early AM phone calls=trouble
2003-05-07 14:55:53
1:00 sister..hurry up and get over to the house..she's found my mom slumped over in her chair at the kitchen table and she's really out of it..
I book it over to my mom's (after getting KC up and dressed)'s starting to storm..agian..I get in the house..take one look at my mom..and my heart stops. I can tell by looking at her whats happened..she's had a stroke.
I call 911 immediately despite my mom telling me she's fine..I know better..she can't move her entire left side.
EMT get there..assess her..and get her on the strecher and to the ER. My sis (who due to her medical conditions lives with my mom) and a friend of the family is there..sis stays out in the waiting area with and my godmother go back to see my mom. After about 30 godmother leaves..I send my sis and KC back to the house..there's nothing she can do..I stay in ER with my mom. At this point she's regained a little bit of movement in her left leg and arm..her face is still slack on that side though...At 5:30 AM...they admit her to a room. I leave and go home to try and get some rest.
11:30 AM..I go back to the's not good..she no longer has any control over her left side..she tried to get up and use the potty took me and 3 other nurses to get her on it and back into bed..we're not going to try that agian. She's haveing trouble swallowing..they still have some test to run see to what extent the damage is that was caused by the stroke. I should know more when I go back up there tonight.
I think she's relized whats happened now..and as independent as she is...or was..this is really hitting her hard. Depending on what happens in the next week or so..we may have to determine if we can care for her or not ourselves. Gods..this is so hard...the last thing I ever wanted to do was to have to put my mom in a nursing home..or assisted living place...
So if you don't see me around for awhile..that's much shit hitting us all at once...sometimes I just don't know what to do....
But I wanna LJ code too! *pouts*
2003-05-06 20:05:49
S'not fair..everyone having higher connections than me.. getting live Jourenals and such...;p..and you do all know I'm kidding right? o.O know I'd never hate have your know can only do so much for someone...they walk their own path....And A hippie? *gets mental image and falls over laughing* You are going to be a trip to meet at AWA..I can tell.. ^.^
Argh! Where to's doing MUCH better ^^..still go over and take care of things around the house for her that she can't guite do yet...but overall doing better
Went and saw X Men 2 while Kodiak was home..and died with joy! I LOVE that movie..and so many hints KNOW there's going to have to be a 3rd one ^^..And while watching it..I relized my new glasses were like that a good or bad thing? lol!
Storms just don't seem to be quitting anytime soon.. :? so tornados here..just rain and wind..but to the north and south of us they've had some bad stuff come thru..In Sercey..about an hour or two from here..they had an F3 tornado on the ground for 45 miles one got killed.
And while I love just can't imagine the awesome power nature has untill you see a's awe inspiring to say the least...makes me want to be a storm chaser more and more.
Happy BDay Hitori! ^^
Current server time: Mar 06, 2025 21:24:55