temaranight (C D)
Just FYI
2003-05-03 20:46:07
I'll be gone for a few days ..Kodiak is home ^^
Deep breath...
2003-05-01 01:32:12
1). My mom's going to be ok..comes out of ICU tommorrow..when I visted her today..she was her old cranky I know she's better.. =P..hopefully she'll be home soon...and thanks very much to all who IM..posted..and wished me well..^^ it means alot to me...
2) Happy Late B day Firestorm!!!! I wished I'd have known sooner :?
3) Goddess..I love this time of year..went out to the state park late this afternoon..took KC to play...and I could just feel the tension drain..I really need to start hiking agian out there...the waterfall..the smell of the water..and the trees..and flowers...sheer bliss..I wish I could have stayed longer..plan on going back tommorrow if it's not storming...maybe camping out there next weekend now that I have my huge ass tent back....*4 rooms..3 large enough to hold a full size air matress..and in the 4th on in the middle..Erich can stand up straight..and he's 6'2 =O*either go their or down to the river...
maybe when things slow down a bit I'll get to work on a new vid..right now..I just can't focus on much of anything..and my new glasses STILL haven't come in...*shakes fist*
2003-04-29 11:32:47
Just finished my Math exam..and made a 60 on it =?
but...she dropped our lowest test score..and I passed the class with a 73...a C..a low C..but a C none the less..which means I now only have to take Inetermediate and College algebra now.. ^^
Next week..3 3-4 page essays in US History for my fianl...*rubs temples* and with everything else happening..oi..wish me luck.. =)
2003-04-29 03:31:50
Let's see...first off..I've no clue Prius what's going on..and I'm not sure I want to know..I just hope it's resolved soon.. -.-
My mom went into ICU today..surgurey in the AM..gall bladder..hopefully everything will work out for the best...
Math final in the AM.. gotta pass it ..have choice..
Closure is a good thing...I've relized that..and I need to look to what I do have..not what I can't have...Thanks MJ..^^ and Xeno as well..
I love you Kodiak..^^...always...Forever...
This pretty much sums it all up in a nutshell...
2003-04-28 04:26:40
You love her
But she loves him
And he loves somebody else
Ya just can't win
And so it goes
Till the day you die
This thing they call love
It's gonna make you cry
I've had the blues
The reds and the pinks
One thing's for sure
Love stinks
But you know what...I'm gonna get some rest...and when I open my eyes it's gonna be like this come hell or high water...*shakes fist*
I think I can make it now, the pain is gone
All of the bad feelings have disappeared
Here is the rainbow I've been prayin' for
It's gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
Sun shiny day
Look all around, there's nothin' but blue skies
Look straight ahead, nothin' but blue skies
I have some major things to change in my life and they start now...
Current server time: Jan 13, 2025 09:31:16