JOURNAL: BasharOfTheAges (Justin Corriveau)

  • Prescreening fun 2010-10-04 09:11:16 I really need to give my HTPC the once-over to try to get it to play nicer. It took 3 media players to get through the entire batch of vids. I'd love to just use one of my front-ends but it seems like things that work with one setting break with others. Clearly this is why we stick to DVDs.

    Now with the overflow, i'm going to be spending a couple of days making title cards in Premiere and transcoding to DVD. Maybe I might look into something to fix my work-flow in that arena.

    Decided I need to make a DVD for the AMVHell5 screening as well - the file has at least 2 points that break most of my media players. 
  • 2010-09-30 11:09:06 So, we seem to be getting over 50 entries for AAC this year. I'm trying to find a place that'll be able to handle the overflow screening. Right now, it looks like the best (and only) place is going to be the 2nd stage room, right before the 2nd screening. We're also screening AMVHell5 after the first screening on Friday if things go right. I think this means I'm not getting much rest between those two days. I should probably find out how well my system handles 5 hour energy shots... because damn i'm going to need them. 
  • So much to do 2010-09-28 13:26:02 This SSD is amazing. It takes longer to POST and for me to type my password in than it does to actually start Windows.

    It looks like another record year for AAC entries. I'm guessing it'll also be a record for attendance (it always is) and AMVer attendance (i've gotten several emails and PMs to that effect).

    I'm going to be doing an overflow this year (we'll need it) and i'm currently trying to find space to screen AMVHell5 that isn't a 30 seat panel room.

    Also working on the Extreme Iron Editor prep. These next couple of weeks will be non-stop gogogo I think. 
  • 2010-09-23 15:41:22 New SSD (Crucial C300 64GB SATA3) just arrived according to UPS... I really want to go home and try it out. 
  • 10 is too many tacos 2010-09-20 19:46:06 I had a blast and met a lot of people at AWA. Might make this an annual type thing as long as it doesn't clash with AAC too hard.

    I think i'm also swearing off taco bell for good now. 
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